
Please explain to a mom what the rules for yu gi oh are?

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My son just got interested in playing yu gi oh so to all you fans out there, please explain in the simplest terms possible how I would go about playing this game. I have never watched the cartoon, never played the card games and do not understand the terms. If there is a good website as well, that would be great. Thanks so much, guys!




  1. Ok yugio isnt really bad. its just a whole bunch of cards and people just duel with them. If it is a game like a video game wise. Then the monsters just fight. nothing really bloody or anything. And if he is just playing with cards then thats ok cas he can get along with whole bunch of other friends who play it. I use to playt with it and want a whole buncha them. But h**l grow out of it soon

  2. go to and you can find all the rules.

    it even has a little video so you dont have to read a bunch of long tiny print.

  3. Here's an interactive demo...

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