
Please explain to me this hypocrisy!!!!?

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Why is it, that when a man kills another man in battle, it is called heroic?

But when a man kills another man out of sheer passion, it's called murder?




  1. Because bi*ch slapping each other is just not an effective technique for war.

    In war - each side has guns and the same objective -- kill the other guy and not die yourself.

    Shooting the unarmed naked man you caught in bed with your wife....just not the same thing.  

  2. When you kill a person out of sheer passion, you usually don't have a good reason or it means you can't control your anger. It takes a certain mindset to kill a stranger in war who you know nothing about; you have to kill or be killed and you are more than likely fighting for a cause. You don't think the soldiers who stopped n**i Germany from taking over the world are heroes?

    Edit: Icpcma, I think he is trying to say that it's not okay to kill someone in war.

  3. Each killing is under different circumstances.

    When you kill someone in battle you are doing your patriotic duty for your country. You are not in trouble (unless you use excessive force). If anybody should be blamed, it is your leaders (president, czar, etc.) who sent you to kill the enemy. Their cause for sending you to fight has to be a good one.

    When you kill someone "out of sheer passion," you are taking someones life for your own selfish reasons. This is wrong.

    And that's the difference.

  4. Because one of them men in your question is out to kill you too, and the other probably has nothing against you.

  5. you're quoting a film, but I can't remember which.

  6. Its murder in both cases. The hypocrisy lies in the fact that we try to make the taking of lives heroic for soldiers, so it seems like war has a purpose.

  7. Party on, Wayne.

  8. my answer is;

    In battle (as in self defense) it is Kill or be Killed. Soldiers are the tools of government and Ordered to do so (although many soldiers can and do suffer from the traumatic mind screws that is the Killing of another human. Especially when it's civilians and children that are killed). They are Hero's when they save the lives of their friends, comrades, or the  civilians who are just trying to Live.

    Should the Leaders that send them to war, stand trial for "Murder" when there was No Just Cause to Invade?

    h**l Yes!

    hope my answer helps

  9. I can't believe you think it is allright to kill someone out of passion.  If you cannot see the difference, explanations will not help you.

  10. In battle/war, a man kills an enemy man is called 'heroic' on account that it is deemed important along the fine lines of part of the plan. Of course, it is murder. Don't be blind but have your eyes and ears open ready to grasp at any given moment. Hypocrisy can be bitter when a life is traded for a flag and a name engraved somewhere among hundreds of hundreds of others. Land of the free? I believe not (in this case would be technical), but more like land of persuasion and trickery when you have a government that controls the education system. And that system is one of the most powerful but strictly refuses to lend a hand toward the education of the future and allow the future to sink in with the planned media and lies.

  11. You're a liberal you are not capable of understanding.

  12. the right always sucks the military and agriculture t*t,  very good question and statement

  13. men have to kill other men in battle for the gr8er good. take 4 ex. my husband went to fight in Kosovo, Slobodan Milosevic had invaded Kosovo killing 1000's of innocent men women and children. what they did to the peaceful Muslims of Kosovo was horrible. the usa was called in to protect the people's of Kosovo, and yes kill the enemy as well. if not for the death of evil, many more women men and children would have lost their live to Slobodan Milosevic invaders. sometime a war is fought to save people from rap and death.  people must die to Reach that end but war is declared and it is legal the world decides if a war should be fought and we go from there. the reason it is heroic, is because someone willingly puts their free life and mind into Horrible situation to free those who have their rights and freedoms taken from them is a very heroic thing to do. If you ever where to say a man or woman who puts their life and mind on the line to free others is unheroic then i think nothing less of a monster of you! now for the 2nd part of your question If some one see's their wife sleeping with someone else and kills that person or both persons its called a moment of insanity and they go to the ben not jail. If some one kills someone Else for believing in a different way then they do they deserve to be called a murderer.

    BTW the people of Kosovo are free now and place our flag with their own. they fly the US flag in their street to show us how heroic we where and are for freeing them

  14. hypocrisy is simply hard to explain...

  15. Well, if it's in battle, a person is generally figting for their life, or the life of others, for it to be heroic.

    When it's just passion, with no idealistic means other than greed, or other shallow reasons, then it's murder.

  16. If you don't understand the basic tenents of freedom, no one can explain it to you.  Go back to school.

  17. Nonsense. Because the former brings money to the country. it should be explained that military heroes are heroes of American's pockets, not American citizens. Besides, those pockets most of the time are just the 20% of the Americans who run corporations in the country.

  18. the motive makes all the difference.

  19. when men go in to battle its to protect the freedom of  he's country men and women and children  whom cant fight .and this is wye called heroic.................know when man kills another man out of passion .that has to do with something called fear or hate and anger ,the action is not protecting the lives of others ..and that's wye its called murder ,,big deference,,thank you,,

  20. War gives the "authority" to kill your enemy.  

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