
Please explain to me what a TROLL is

by  |  earlier

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I have seen all different types of people accused of being one which doesn't help.




  1. a troll is a monster that lives in forest and it is giant and pretty horrible  

  2. sits under a bridge

  3. A trool is a weird looking creature. For example, Your avatar.

    ( no affence i was joking )

  4. You've been troll'd

    you've been troll'd

    you have probably been told

    don't reply

    to this guy

    he is just getting a rise

    out of you

    yes it's true

    you respond and that's his queue

    to start trouble

    on the double

    while he strokes his manly stubble

    you've been troll'd

    you've been troll'd

    you should probably just fold

    when your only winning move is not to play

    and yet you keep on trying

    mindlessly replying

    You've been troll'd

    you've been troll'd

    Have a nice day

  5. all of the above ,and when good natured stiring becomes nasty.

  6. A troll is someone who frequents messageboards or internet forums specifically for the purpose of stirring up issues.  They hang around places they claim to hate, spewing their hatred, or just being incredibly annoying.

    Lots of trolls on Y!A just asking questions or giving answers they know will irritate people.

  7. A whack job that

  8. Oh well, here's something new i learnt today...

    The only Troll's i knew were the cute little things with bright hair, big eyes, available in gift shops...not th Ugly one's that scared the billy goats while they tried to cross over the bridge...

    Thanks 4 th info.

  9. A troll is a user of a newsgroup, forum or message board that posts messages with the intent of inciting an argument or flame-war.

  10. A good example of a "Troll" on this very board is the recent "Does anyone have a Mermaid spell", "I want to become a Mermaid", "I am a Mermaid" influx. Often when a new "Mermaid" question appears and you click to view their profile, you see their account was created that same day. And there are actually only 1-2 people who are creating these other accounts. Usually extremely bored people who want to cause disruption or annoyance.

  11. If you want good examples of TROLLS then go into R&S, look at the stir up questions and you will find your trolls... Also they usually are at level 1, under 100 points, as they have been violated and lost their accounts....They also answer questions with the pure intention to cause maximum disruption in that forum...

    In Light... )O(

  12. I am a card caring member of the NTS (National Troll Society). We are creatures sent to give irrational answers and ask harassing questions. We are honor bound to abide by the Troll Code of Ethics. We must abstain from giving coherent responses to legit questions. We must use profane language as much as humanly possible. We must scour the internet, looking for groups of people to harass. Above all, we must never use proper grammar. There are a few more rules, but they are mostly about who is going to bring the Heineken and Brie to the next Trollvention. It's the bi-annual gathering of the top trolls from around the country. Ok. Honestly, Trollvention is just a few of us who get together every once in a while in one of our parent's basement. Don't judge. You try buying a house with Taco Bell pay. Sure I'm 35 and I should get a real job and move out, but I get free Taco Bell everyday. Man, you can't beat that.

  13. troll is a fearsome member of a mythical race from Norse mythology. Originally more or less the Nordic equivalents of giants, although often smaller in size, the different depictions have come to range from the fiendish giants – similar to the ogres of England (also called Trolls at times, see Troller's Gill) – to a devious, more human-like folk of the wilderness, living underground in hills, caves or mounds. In the Faroe islands, Orkney and Shetland tales, trolls are called trows, adopted from the Norse language when these islands were settled by Vikings.

    Nordic literature, art and music from the romantic era and onwards has adapted trolls in various manners – often in the form of an aboriginal race, endowed with oversized ears and noses. From here, as well as from Scandinavian fairy tales such as Three Billy Goats Gruff, trolls have achieved international recognition, and in modern fantasy literature and role-playing games, trolls are featured to the extent of being stock characters.

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