i am carrying out some sociology research for my project at school. Please can you answer this questionnaire honestly and where relevant expand on answers. If you have a view on any of the questions please elaborate
1) Male or Female
3) Do you think the media promotes a particular body image?i)for men ii)for women
4) Who influences the way you look? - media/celebs, friends, family, other
5)What affect does skinny celebs such as cheryl cole have on you?
6) Do you feel pressured into looking a certain way?
7)What forms of media do you use? -TV -Internet -Magazines
-Newspapers or other (if so please state)
8)What do you see as the ideal body image?
9)Is there anything physically you would like to change about yourself?
10)If you could be a celebrity for the day who would it be and why?
11) What magazines do you read?
Thanks for doing this!