
Please forgive me for asking this, but with all the global warming, how come Europeans prefer water with gas?

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The Co2 gas hurts the atmosphere, and with all due respect, my German husband and I had a discussion about this...what is your opinion?

Please-this question is asked with all due respect to all Europeans. I really like my German residency, and would never do anything to offend anyone intentionally.




  1. Oh, how much Co2 can there be in that water.  You produce way more Co2 by breathing.  Plant a tree, and it will more than offset the gas in  your water preference.

  2. I sometimes have gas after I eat beans, which causes methane gas emissions coming from the a**s..

  3. Close, but no cigar.  

    The US gets beat (barely) by

    Canada, Luxembourg, and Australia.  

    To rationalize, we say that energy use is pretty much the same as gross national product.

  4. you are talking about the atmosphere. The fact is americans use much more electricity then every other country.leaving lights on all time, using computers, aircoditioning and selling gas less than half of the price we have to pay in germany, So who does affect the atmosphere? In the us you drive with age of 16 and two years later you have to think about if you have the1600Euro fee for the driverslicens in germany. So what do you think who thinks about all that more and tries to protect the atmosphere?

  5. In reverse, and with all due respect, I ask you how comes that you prefer soda with Co2 in the USA?

    Frankly said, the bubbles in the water don't make a difference wether you're making soda or water, so perhaps you'd like to start clamping down in the soda production altogether.

    Additionally, many of the wells for "sparkling waters" here have natural carbondioxide, since they are enriched by volcanic gases (Example: ) - so we're talking about CO2 that would've found its way to the surface and athmosphere anyway because of natural processes.

    But did you know that you create considerably more CO2 per year just by breathing than you'll ever be able to get into the air by all the sparkling water you can drink per year? :)

  6. You're kidding, right? If you're serious then you need to think about your priorities. YOU produce a constant stream of Co2, and certainly more than thousands of bottles of sparkling water, each day. opinion is that you're a quack.

  7. Don't worry about the Co2 in sparkling water. The Co2 is broken down during digestion.

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