
Please get me out of a depressed mood?

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hi im in a really depressive mood can anyone make me feel better?

(basically one of my friends invited all of my other closest friends to a sleepover/party and didnt iinvite me :( )

thanks x




  1. punch your friend in the face. then say it was an accident.

  2. Prozac and vodka...

    always works for me;-)

  3. Next time you see a friend, wether in a good mood or bad, think of this...think!!!....

    Don't walk in front of me,

    I may not follow.

    Don't walk behind me,

    I may not lead.

    Just walk beside me and be my friend.

    Try it


  4. uhh..... get over it.

    its always happening to me.

    you really need to learn to care less.

  5. first I have to ask, how old are you (don't answer)? sleep overs are great when you are young. however they are not the end of the world if you are not invited. you are not forced to endure possible embarrassment, uncomfortable encounters, and possible boredom. while all of these "so-called friends" are pretending to have fun, you are free to enjoy your evening as you wish.

  6. You know what?  It's not what happens to you in life, but how you deal with it that counts.  Whatever happens you're still the same person you were before it happened!  Truly, it's just that as human beings we have this weird habit that we have to react to things all the time.  I have a mantra for you....Act, don't react!  In other words do your own thing, and remember you're still the same terrific person you were, if someone else out there can't appreciate you, so what?  You don't have to agree!  Cheer up!

  7. Hi Natali,

    I can relate to that.  Its very easy to withdraw from the world and be on your own.   But then you start seeing to world so dark and so lonely.  

    YOU and be alone and not lonely.  I found to get involve in activities I enjoy.  I joined a gym, where i see people everyday and do a class of aerobics and spinning.  Maybe you enjoy book, go to your library and sit by a big window and read books that are positive and funny rather than sad.  Right a journal and also do things for yourself.  Go for a manicure or just change you hair style.  Hope its help

  8. I'm sure your friend just forgot,or there wasn't enough room or something,or maybe she wanted to invite someone new.

  9. First you need about a mile and a half walk. Seriously!!!  Then evaluate the situation in a optimistic state. Did they just forget?   Dont turn a small problem into something huge. If the depression returns,,  walk again, and contemplate.   Focus on the good things you have done and are doing with your life.  Thats harder than focusing on the bad all the time.

    Anyone can think about the c**p thats in the world.  Happiness is work.  That simple statement could save tons of marriages.  Arent good grades work?,,  isnt a nice looking car, clothes, shoes, hair, ,,  good grief,  the list goes on and on ,,,   and its all,,,,,,,,,,, WORK!!!!   You can have a $75000 car. But if you trash it,  whats it worth?  Not nearly as much.  What if you take good care of it and actually add to it?  Nice Car!!!!!      How about you,,,  are you taking care of you and the ones you love???   Since you wont be going the sleep over anyway,,  why not plan something, (not in revenge) for you and your friends where you are the host?  OH and BE SURE to invite the one who missed you.  I cant tell you what it does for the soul..   Therapy like you wouldnt believe~!!    And as you grow as a person,,  the less you need to be accepted,,,  because you begin to accept yourself for who you are,,, not what you think you should be.  Love your personality,, dont choke it off so you can fit in with the crowd.  The crowd is usually the ones that trample others,,,, as they are running  from  nothing.

  10. Know that this probably has very little to do with you and more to do with something going on with your friend. Try doing something for someone else. It always makes me feel good to help someone out. Get up and do something. Take a walk, exercise a little. Next week this time things will probably be much better. Take care.

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