
Please give a definition even if it is a link of completely what a Misogynist is? What behaviour does he>?

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Please Mr. "Feminists are misogynist in the great, , proud banner...your moniker asks for correction. Hatred of men is called "misandry."

I agree fully there are women with contempt or hatred or fierce resentment for men, but not all men. Only the ones who speak through another anatomical aperture than the one between the facial cheeks!

Why there are reasons for this, I would not know them all..but I can take some very educated guesses.

What do we do to get off the hook?

What is our purpose in life for eternity, be a chauvinist's "female" kept oppressed, uneducated, barefoot and pregnant..thankful only to serve men? No, mistaken "friend", we want ONLY what our rights may be, as males all human beings do.

If we are resented for something so basically deserved, the who is at fault really???

The argument you present is embarrassedly full of holes exposed impulsively.

Remember, whenever ANYONE exposes an ignorant statement, such statement represents one, AND Publicly. Be cautious.




  1. 90% of the men you come into contact are misogynist. Better lock yourself away in a convent so that you may never come into contact with a misogynist ever again. Or dress up as a man then misogynists won't hate you then

  2. La O, both misogynists and misandrists are the same. For whatever reason they have they choose to blind themselves and believe that all people whose body is shaped in a certain way are an enemy to be insulted and degraded.

    You seem to believe that misandrists dislike only men who deserve this. I was a victim of hate because I am male and to the best of my knowledge I have not ever harmed a woman, or deserved to be treated like the way I was. Bigotry by its very nature is blind to whether or not a person deserves to be hated. I also know of a number of men and boys who have all been the victims of misandry and never deserved this abuse.

    The best definition I can give you of misogyny is that it is one of the many branches of bigotry. And there are sadly many branches.

    (La O, I think your final comment was meant for me. If so, thank you so much. I do not blame those who I have experienced misandry from, as much as I blame bigotry itself. It is such a powerful, destructive force, and can sometimes enter into a person's heart without them even knowing. I have been a men's rights activist for eleven years and have never needed to be either anti-feminist or anti-women. To me this is my victory over bigotry.)

  3. Misogynists are ignorant, weak minded, 'reactive' men who don't understand the true value of a woman.

  4. It's not 'just' men, as you state, that can be misogynists. Women can be considerably worse misogynists than men...

    Feminists are incredibly misogynistic. By demanding women be unaccountable, they're as good as saying "women are children." Why else would they push for sexist laws that allow women to get off the hook all the time? On the other hand, they insist men must always be accountable for our actions, so where's this equality thing they claim to support?

  5. This, right here, is a misogynist:

    He has so much hatred for women, but when confronted about it, he denies it, even though he proudly declares himself a chauvinist.

  6. This link won't answer all of your questions, but it's very... informative... in a certain way.

    Dave Sim (a comic book writer and artist by trade) is a raging misogynist. He is very much aware of it.  He originally used his comics to explore his feelings toward women. He has also written misogynist essays, manifesto-style, that outline his hatred. What he feels, why he feels that way, etc. Most of it is completely irrational, but it's an interesting look into the mind of someone whose hatred has consumed them.

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