Please Mr. "Feminists are misogynist in the great, , proud banner...your moniker asks for correction. Hatred of men is called "misandry."
I agree fully there are women with contempt or hatred or fierce resentment for men, but not all men. Only the ones who speak through another anatomical aperture than the one between the facial cheeks!
Why there are reasons for this, I would not know them all..but I can take some very educated guesses.
What do we do to get off the hook?
What is our purpose in life for eternity, be a chauvinist's "female" kept oppressed, uneducated, barefoot and pregnant..thankful only to serve men? No, mistaken "friend", we want ONLY what our rights may be, as males all human beings do.
If we are resented for something so basically deserved, the who is at fault really???
The argument you present is embarrassedly full of holes exposed impulsively.
Remember, whenever ANYONE exposes an ignorant statement, such statement represents one, AND Publicly. Be cautious.