
Please give list of various days- celebrating to save environment?

by  |  earlier

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During whole year days i want ex.environment day on 5th june




  1. some of the days celebrating environment protection are

    van mahotsava, environment day, earth day, pollution control day, etc.

  2. every day.

  3. some of them are

    1.) world water day-22nd march

    2.) world weather day-23rd march

    3.)world earth day - 22nd april

    4.)world conservation day -24th april

    5.)world forest day-21st may

    6.)world environment day - june 5 th

    7.) water wealth day-july 1st

    8.)world population day - july 11th

    9.)world cleanliness day/world ozone layer protection day-16th september

    10.) world habitat day - octoer 3rd

    11.)world animal day - oct 7th

    12.) world industrial safey day - nov 3rd

    13.)international plantation day-22nd december

  4. the college i go to celebrates Beautification Day in April(the day usually changes, it was the 21st this year)....we go plant flowers all over the campus

  5. clean air day june.9

    *doont drive you car

    tree day sept.29

    *plant tree

  6. 1) world day for water - 22 march

    2) world population day - 11 july

    3) international day for remembrance of the slave -23 august

    4) international day for the abolition of the slavery - 2 december

    5) international literacy day - 8 september

    there can be many more,i know these many only.

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