
Please give me advice....?

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I'm 14 and am volunteering down ata day camp for younger children. I am excited but also kind of scared and intimidated because I don't have a whole lot of experience with little kids.....any advice to help me make this a productive/fun learning experience?




  1. Be yourself, kids hate (and are adept at spotting) any kind of pretense!

    I'm sure you will really enjoy it just being your natural self -

    that a) you have volunteered at all and b) that your worrying and asking for advice, demonstrates your good nature!  I hope you all have a really good time!

  2. just have fun with them. dont be too bossy with them

    trust me...i have had experiance!

  3. drink alot of pop that day so you have the energy to answer all 100,000 are inquisitive...don't show fear...there like dogs they can smell it and will take advantage of you....just teasing...kinda...

            just have fun and try to be happy and seek out the loners and get them to join in.... it'll make you feel good

  4. read    play

  5. Laugh at every joke as if it's the first time you heard it.

  6. just have fun!! act like a kid! but still remain an authority figure!

  7. Be yourself, relax and enjoy yourself, if you are having fun than everybody around you will be having fun too.

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