
Please give me some advice; I feel so unloved!!!?

by Guest56833  |  earlier

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I'm in college & living at home. I don't have any friends and don't want any b/c I've had bad luck in the past. Therefore, I spend a lot of time at home. Well, since school started & before that I had to work, get ready for school w/doc & dental app., etc. I also go to therapy weekly, so I haven't been at home very much. I'm also kinda lazy & don't like doing chores. Well, usually by the time I get home (or before that..really) I'm sleepy & out of energy so I don't do chores often. However, I do some chores. I do laundry almost daily. I help my mom clean up a lot a couple times this week.

Well, I just got home. I went to the dentist for a filling, work, study group for a test w/my partner for the test (it's an oral spanish exam), and the nail salon, which I haven't been to for about 3 weeks. I don't really care about my appearance but my nails...i guess b/c it's easy. I get in the door in a cheery mood and my mom brought me down

I can tell she's upset even tho i had to go to all those places minus the salon which took less than an hour. she said she's sick, I told her i was sorry & fixed her some meds. she's laying down beside me and looks very sad=( it makes me want to cry. also, i tolds her i need a root canal & she hesitated then asked about the cost. that's it.

OMG!!! she just started crying out of nowhere..just now! i told her i'd stay home all tomorrow be her nurse & clean. i'm honestly not looking forward to cleaning but i like spending time w/Mom.




  1. join activites so u can make new frends. Thats what my mom says Cause she thinks im unsocial which im not. How am i supposed to make new friends during summer without a car. its impossible. Well yeah join activiites.

  2. when your doing those chores wear a head set. listen to your fave music. that will change your mood for doing those chores for the better.   good luck!

  3. i am sorry that  

  4. OK!You need to join some clubs or whatever to make new friends.Also it sounds as though your mother needs to get out of the house also.Schedule time with your mom to go and see a movie or go out to eat.Push yourself.

  5. This too shall pass.

  6. get it together!!  stop being lazy and help  your  mom out some more, especially if she's sick. try getting a job... and find out whats really going on with your mom

  7. My advice is not to let past experiences turn you into a recluse.  I'm almost positive that everyone has had "bad luck" with friendships at one point or another...I know I have, and it did make me want to shield myself from any repeats.  I spent at least a year cold and alone.  Then I decided to open myself up again to my human family.  I was more careful about the friends I chose, and turns out I made friends with some wonderful people that have brought joy to my life for years and still do to this day.  Don't let your fears imprison you, sista!

  8. ..........huh?

  9. well shes probably just really heart broken from everything that shes going through. just show her that u are strong and u are gonna be there to help

  10. You are so not unloved! Your mom is probably tired because she wants to do everything she can for you and it exhausts her. Seriously, it's not a bad thing to hate doing chores. But they have to be done.You don't have huge problems, it just feels that way because your stressed. Take one day of doing nothing, and then take two days of service. To your mom, to anyone around you, to the house. Just wake up and tell yourself "I am going to be productive!" There are a lot of things that you can do. Find one and commit yourself. Good luck!

  11. i dont get it,, ur mom doesn't feel good,, i was just sick all last week i'm a stay at home mom w/3kids,,, i did nothing but rest and my husband did everything b/c if i didn't rest and get over it then id only b working at 40% for longer than the week i rested, i dont think my answer helps u

  12. You sound JUST LIKE my daughter .. lol .. it's normal to hate chores (Heavens .. most of us do!) but it's not that she doesn't love you that she's trying to get you to pitch in for her right now. I really believe that may be part of HER way of having you close to her too ... I think a big part of it is that she is depressed and you guys need to talk to someone.  If she's concerned about cost, she must have some financial issues so you might talk about that and see what you can do together to alleviate that problem.

    Seriously, just stay close to your mom and allow her to be close to you, but try to work TOGETHER and make some friends.  It would be great for you guys!!

    Good luck to you -- don't feel unloved -- your mom just wants you close.  She just needs to learn to function on her own and you need to learn to do some of the things you hate without resenting them. :)

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