
Please give me some advice on my squidoo lens!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there guys I have created my first squidoo lens and am really happy with it! Its only a few days old but is getting a bit of traffic but it doesn't have any ratings yet! I would really appreciate if some of you guys could tell me how to make it better. Also if you could give me a rating on my squidoo lens that would be great. Thanks!

Heres the link to the lens




  1. It's a pretty good lens already. I would recommend u to get as much traffic as u can. The more traffic the more money u will earn. Add ur lens URL to all  major search engines including Google & Yahoo. Also, become a fan member with people and WRITE A LOT! U need a lot more lenses than just one.

    Good Luck &  5 stars lens!!

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