
Please give me some advice!?

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I'm going to a school this year!!!! For my first time! I'll be in 8th grade! I'm so excited! What good advice can you offer me? Please answer!!!!




  1. Dont rush into relationships (with guys)

    Participate in EVERYTHING

    Have fun

    Realize that YOU are graduating and that you may NEVER see these people again

    Get close to you class mates

    Again, HAVE Fun

  2. Don't try too hard to make friends, because they will come to you if you're not pushy.  Dress in what is comfortable and looks good on you, don't be a follower.  Have fun there.

  3. Act yourself. Don't try to be anyone else. Dress with your style, act with your attitude, and hey, maybe get in trouble with the teachers!

  4. have fun and just b yourself

    no matter if ur smart or shy or just really outgoing

    you'll have fun and make the best of friends

    good luck! =P

  5. Be weird. Everyone wants to be your friend when you are interesting and weird.

  6. Hey whoa that's cool Well I'm going to be a sophomore and I remember my day of 8th grade. And all I can tell you is just be really social and try not to be shy and timid. Becuase the best way to survive school is with friends. Awww haha I hope you have a good first day good luck =D

  7. Eight grade was fun for me.

    To have fun just go to a lot of parties.

    And most importantly be yourself.

  8. Ok, kids can be really mean. I'm gonna warn you now. But don't put up with that. And don't ever change who you are for other people. BE YOURSELF. Because they will try to change you. They will want you to be just like them. Kids can be nice, but they can be really terrible, snot nosed little things. Take it from me. But like I said, don't put up with it. But do try to make friends. Around every corner. Be in a lot of organizations or clubs. Great way to meet people. Don't be shy, but don't be obnoxiously loud. And stay on top of your studies. All the time. Don't eat cafeteria food. lol. just kidding. Umm. that's really all I have. But stay true to yourself no matter what you do, and you'll do fine.

  9. Be yourself "Home-School-er"

  10. Be yourself and don't act stupid! lolzzzz well also you need to focus on your school work but you still need to stay social.....................just hang with a bunch of ppl but dont ditch your friends..........also when you know a guy likes you and you like him too..........ASK HIM OUT!!!!!!!!!

  11. Did u skip K-7 never mind I am also going into 8th grade next year also and my advice is don't try to be someone ur not be u and if u don't do ur homework u will get F's not much else i can tell u

    hope i helped

  12. Be yourself and don't let ANYONE tell you what you can or cannot do. Try hard in school, but never get over stressed. Make friends that will stand by you no matter what and balance your activities for a schedule that will suit you.

    Have fun above all. Pray to God that He will guide you on this new adventure!!

    God bless =]

  13. Spend enough time on your school work, and don't think school is only someplace to hang out.

  14. well dnt try to be like all the other

    people nobody like aa follower

    be outgoing funny

    and stay away from the drama

    do yewr skool workk and juss have funn

    and be really friendly soo yewll have some friends to sit and hang wit at luchh:]]

    good luckkk

  15. The one advice I can give you is to get over any shyness you think you have. Seriously, it will KILL you. xD Good luck, have fun!

  16. Don't get sucked into the whole Abercrombie and Hollister c**p.

  17. Good for you! school might suck at times but you get to meet new people and meet new friends!

    try to do well in academics

    but the social life at school can be harsh at times

    there are alot of mean ppl and bullies at school

    only be with people who are your friends

    and people u plan to date

  18. Be a lesbain and l**k girls b***s

  19. dont talk to mean ppl. they'll start acting retarded,,,and dont loose ur virginity..

  20. be yourself, don't dress unlike yourself and do stuff you normally wouldn't do just to fit in. be confident.


  21. Be yourself. But try and not get into the "wrong crowd". If drugs and drinking and s*x aren't your thing, then just stay away from it and it'll save you a lot of pain and suffering. I mean, maybe that stuff is a bit "extreme" for 8th graders these days, but I just graduated high school...and it's pretty much getting worse in middle school. =/

    Don't try to be someone else and maybe staying away from cliques is a good thing. And try not to talk c**p about people, especially to your new friends, because word can get around really, really fast. And then you'll just hate your life. Hahaha.

    Don't fret. :)

  22. be yourself!

    try to make friends and just chilax!

  23. Be the wonderful person that you are.

    Stay away from the low life.

    Become active in sports.

    Be a positive person.

    Don't let your friends influence you negatively....

    You get the idea.

  24. TRY to have fun. I really don't like school.

  25. Congradulations! Its going to be a fun time for you!!!

    Here is some advice you may or may not have heard:

    Be yourself. Imitation is lame.

    Dress how you want to dress. Make your own style.

    Its not cool to drink or do drugs. People who say its cool to do that aren't really your friends.

    Get involved in stuff that interests you.

    Lastly, remember at the end of the day...its just school. Its not your life. Learn all you can!

  26. omg thats exciting! lol umm you should join clubs and just be nice and funny so people will wanna be around you and dress nice,but like have ur own style.

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