
Please give me some help on my DD deck!?

by  |  earlier

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monsters (lv 1-4)

1. cyber valley X1

2. morphing jar X1

3. marshmallon X1

4. legendary jujitsu master X2

5. banisher of radiance X2

6. gravekeeper's guard X1

7. DD warrior X2

8. snip hunter X1

9. DD warior lady X1

10. DD assailant X1

11. DD survivor X3

monsters (Lv 5-6)

1. airknight parshath X1

2. cyber dragon X2

3. jinzo X1


1. dimensional fissure X2

2. reinforcements of the army X2

3. shield crush X1

4. brain control X1

5. lightning vortex X1

6. heavy storm X1

7.mystical space typhoon X1

8. sword of revealing light X1

9. book of moon X1

10. enemy controller X1


1. macro cosmos X3

2. solemn judgment X1

3. trap dustshoot X1

4. magic jammer X1

5. torrential tribute X1

6. bottomless trap hole X1

total monsters X20

total magic X12

total traps X8

total cards X40





  1. here my d.d deck its good and eazy 2 make



    White horned

    Frost monarch

    Snipe hunter

    D.D crow

    D.D.crazy beast

    Exiled force

    X2 gren maju da eiza

    Golden homunculus

    Chaosrider gustaph

    D.D warrior

    D.D. Assaliant


    D.D.scout plane

    X2 d.d. survivor

    d.d warrior lady

    d.d. trainer


    Soul absorption

    Nobleman crossout

    Heavy storm


    Dark core

    X2 dimensional fussure

    X2 reinforcments of the army

    Brain control

    Lighting vortex



    Sakuretsu armor

    Torrential tribute

    Return from the different dimension

    X2 DD dynamite

    Macro Cosmos

    Bottomless Trap Hole

  2. its a good deck but try t get a little more dd cards and cards that remove stuff from play like dimensional fissure.

  3. it...looks like it could be a monarch removing deck, it's better.

    what is the airknight doing there, weak attack and lv5, take that cyber dragons out and put in 3 shadow monarch.  

    take out magic jammer and put in another solemn, otherwise be wise to take it out. either run 2 or 3 or none.

  4. i have an idea make a removel run out of cards deck put in macros dimensional fissures 3 needle worm card destuction 2 necroface 1 morphing jar 3 bannishers 3 shadow monarch 3 d.d. scout plane 3 d.d. surrvivor  1 magic drain 1 solem judgement 3 d.d. dynamite 1 book of moon 3 cyber valley 1 drastic drop off 1 soul exchange 1 spirit reaper 2 allure of darkness 1 chaos end 1 dark magician of chaos

  5. take magic jammer and add another solemn ... take jinzo (if you wanna play it i think you should side it with this many traps and 3x cosmos), take airknight and at least 1 cyber dragon for 2x caius, -1 DD warrior ... add either a scout plane or another enemy controller ... hope this helps

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