
Please give me some hope....?

by Guest65394  |  earlier

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my af was due on 8/19..took an hpt this evening and it is neg?? i know im not that late but i am NEVER late. i have no indication that af is coming at all like i usually too. i have been heaving everyday, just not actually vomiting. i have very slight cramping, but different then af cramps, i have been soooo hungry, but then i have to force myself to eat cuz when i do i feel like puking. i am so confused cuz i feel nothing like i do when i am getting af. can anyone please tell me if this same thing has happened to them and they actually did turn out to be pregnant? also, when i was pregnant for my son i tested positive at 8days late, but never tried before that. the hpt i used was a rite aid brand. thanks alot..i need anything that will bring my hopes back up.




  1. I think a women knows her body better then anything else!  I would relax a day or two and take another one just to be safe.  I knew i was prg with both my kids right away!

  2. Test again with first morning urine.  Try a different brand hpt...some brands are a bit more sensitve than others.

  3. its always best to test with 1st morning urine as that's more concentrated, i would take another test in a few days time  

  4. use your first morning urine and try first response they're supposed to be the best brand out there and i heard its really sensitive to low hcg levels

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