
Please give me some interesting legal topics please...?

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Please give me some interesting legal topics please...?




  1. The right to remove Demongraphics such as mascots icons etc. from schools. Public schools are being ruled against from allowing pics of Jesus on the school premises, but these schools will have Devil mascots (AKA blue devils, The Red Devils, & even the greene Devils).  According to public schools you can't mix religion & School. TRue! But Scholars and yes the Vatican will tell you, that you can't have a Devil with out God or even Gods son Jesus.(This is all religion based). So is it legal to have a Devil mascot for a school?

  2. Fruad, murder, incest, rape, posession with intent, buglary, drunk driving, stalking, embezzlement, adultery, illegal immigration, manufacturing counterfiet driver's linceses, child pornography, male prostitution.......

  3. A party boat was seized when a boat being searched was found to have marajuna brought on board from a customer.

    A business was seized by eminent domain to put another type of business there.  The deal fell through with the other business so another business that resembled the first business moved in.

    In another city eminent domain was used to make a street wider for upcoming traffic for a commercial project.  Instead of giving the people money, they gave them a alley way in the back of the property.  This made it impossible for any car to be parked in the drive way and the cars weren't allowed to be parked in the street.

    A B-25 went down carrying reporters and the family members wanted to know what was the cause so they sued.  The lawyer defending the military said it was in the interest of national security that the information not be given out because there was a classified project on board.  The military won the case.  There were only two problems that people found out.  One was the plane crashed from a common defect for that aircraft.  You could have read about the defect from past crashes.  The second problem was the classified project was why the reporters were in the plane to begin with.  The military had and probably did declassify the project in flight.  It was a remote control system (code named Banshee) to allow pilots to fly the plane without being in the plane.

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