
Please give me some qoutes about being dependent when it comes to decision making,., and the one who made it,.

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  1. Independence is important to intelligent decision making for two reasons. First, it keeps the mistakes that people make from becoming correlated. Errors in individual judgement won't wreck the group's collective judgement as long as those errors aren't systematically pointing in the same direction. One of the quickest ways to make people's judgements systematically biased is to make them dependent on each other for information. Second, independent individuals are more likely to have a new information rather than the same old data everyone is already familiar with. The smartest groups, then, are made up of people with diverse perspectives who are able to stay independent of each other. Independence doesn't imply rationality or impartiality though. You can be biased and irrational, but as long as you're independent, you won't make the group any dumber.

    James Surowiecki

    In part because individual judgement is not accurate enough or consistent enough, cognitive diversity is essential to good decision making.

    James Surowiecki

    Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results.

    Scott Adams

    You have more independent eyes scrutinizing the decision-making and financial statements of companies.

    Steve Odland

    What I saw from the start was, he believes in his people skills. He has the gift of gab. He makes time for people. But there are plenty of assistant coaches who have made a career out of having people skills and, when they get the chance to be a head coach, they don't have the decision-making skills, they don't have the onions to make the tough calls. They lack what it takes to run a program. Those are the things that Jay has shown he has.

    Mike Neer quotes

    Quotes with: plenty, lack, assistant, decision making, jay, gab

    You can tell he's still a little young, but I think his decision making has gotten better. It's just a matter of time before he becomes a dominant player. I'm hoping it doesn't happen this week.

    Charlie Peprah quotes

    Quotes with: dominant, decision making

    You can't say enough about Greg Connell right now. His decision making and the process he's gone through in three years is amazing.

    Mike Burkhardt quotes

    Quotes with: decision making

    You have more independent eyes scrutinizing the decision-making and financial statements of companies.

    Steve Odland quotes

    Quotes with: independent, decision making

    You make mistakes in sport and that was a mistake. There were opportunities all over the place and we didn't take them. We saved a poor performance for today and we have to live with that. I want to see whether the mistakes were skill mistakes, decision-making mistakes or poor coaching.

    Pat Howard quotes

    Quotes with: live with, skill, saved, decision making

    Your lack of effectiveness, and poor decision making has only led me to conclude that it is now time to move the investment operations at BWC in a new direction with new leadership.

    James McLean quotes

    Quotes with: lack, conclude, decision making, effectiveness

    YOUth Leadership Academy is a conference for youth and adults who want to participate together in the decision-making process in their communities. Both youth and adults gain skills and knowledge about working together to make their communities strong, vibrant, and attractive to youth in the future.

    Marilyn Rasmussen quotes

    Quotes with: attractive, gain, youth, participate, vibrant, decision making, academy

    The most effective way to restrict democracy is to transfer decision-making from the public arena to unaccountable institutions: kings and princes, priestly castes, military juntas, party dictatorships, or modern corporations.

    Quotes with: restrict, decision, party, effective, modern, democracy, arena, military, decision making, transfer, priestly, unaccountable

    The key to improving residual values is to realize that residual values are fundamentally impacted by decisions made throughout the product lifecycle, even though it is measured at remarketing time. We see increased residual values when we incorporate residual improvement strategies early into the decision-making process.

    Rose Peng quotes

    Quotes with: process, decision, key, early, realize, product, throughout, fundamentally, increased, improvement, values, improving, measured, decision making, incorporate, residual, impacted

    We have no interest in using oil as a weapon because we value the international community's security, but if the situation changes, our decision making and relationship will change too.

    Ali Larijani quotes

    Quotes with: community, situation, interest, decision, value, security, using, International, relationship, oil, weapon, decision making

    Most discussions of decision making assume that only senior executives make decisions or that only senior executives' decisions matter. This is a dangerous mistake.

    Peter Drucker quotes

    Quotes with: decision, dangerous, mistake, senior, assume, decision making

    If you know you can write something off [faster], you make more sensible business decisions [about technology investments]. One hopes that in that decision making there is investment in security upgrades.

    Harris Miller quotes

    Quotes with: decision, technology, security, investment, in that, write, faster, sensible, decision making

    GM's competitiveness is not only dependent upon labor costs, but also on the speed of its decision-making, its success in responding to the market appropriately and its ability to identify the growth segments in the market.

    John Casesa quotes

    Quotes with: growth, decision, ability, speed, costs, labor, identify, dependent, gm, competitiveness, decision making, appropriately, dependent upon

    First off, it's one of the historic franchises in baseball. These types of positions don't come around too often. I think it's a very good fit. I view it as a step up. If I thought it was a lateral move I wouldn't be coming down here. I feel I have more authority, more decision-making abilities with the Orioles than I do with the Mets. That's the reason I'm here.

    Jim Duquette quotes

    Quotes with: move, step, decision, view, baseball, fit, step up, step-up, authority, historic, decision making, come around, lateral, first off

    The frenzy this year seems to be heightened to a level that may make their decision-making more of a last-minute phenomenon.

    Lee Stetson quotes

    Quotes with: level, decision, minute, A level, last minute, last-minute, decision making, phenomenon, frenzy

    Poor decision making in front of goal.

    Kevin Ball quotes

    Quotes with: goal, decision, front, poor, in front, decision making

    I'm sure weather affects moods, but whether it also affects stock markets is hard to prove. If it's sunny in New York, how's it going to affect the guy selling in a real downpour in Mississippi? However, psychology does influence decision-making. The study should have some caveats.

    David Dreman quotes

    Quotes with: guy, decision, York, New York, however, study, prove, weather, selling, stock, affect, influence, Mississippi, decision making, psychology, sunny, downpour

    We are not yet at the stage where we have to make the ultimate decision, but the decision-making processes have been enhanced by the strong views of the clubs today.

    Ron Evans quotes

    Quotes with: decision, stage, ultima, ultimate, enhanced, decision making

    Unless the ordinary Kashmiri folk are taken into confidence and also roped into the decision making process, what meaning does the dialogue have?

    Yasin Malik quotes

    Quotes with: process, confidence, decision, taken, meaning, ordinary, dialogue, decision making, folk, Kashmiri

    He has the compassion and integrity of Jimmy Carter; he's got that shrewd decision-making and hard-nosed realism of a Richard Nixon; he's got the warmth and amiability and the throw-the-arm-around-the-shoulder of a Bill Clinton; and he's got the liberal passion of a Teddy Kennedy.

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