
Please give me the words to a short viet namese childrens song.?

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please also give word by word english translation. cam on truoc.




  1. Man! How long have u been living in Vietnam? Can't imagine u can write Vietnamese as well as that! wow wow wow!!!! I came too late, everybody had answered all the questions!

  2. jon, jon, jon, what is with you and viet childrens songs? i think that i know one, how about "kia con buom vang"?? lol

    oh wells here it goes, from what i remember at my vietnamese language school in grade 2 lol:...

    "Kìa con bướm vàng

    Kìa con bướm vàng

    Xòe đôi cánh

    Xòe đôi cánh

    Tung cánh bay năm ba vòng

    Tung cánh bay năm ba vòng

    Em ngồi xem ...

    Em ngồi xem"

    hahah lol hope thats correct..    LOL OMG JON EVERY WORD TRANSLATED IN ENGLISH? YOU LOVE TO TORTURE PEOPLE DON'T YOU? especially someone like me!

  3. Chau len ba, chau vo mau giao

    Co thuong chau vi chau khong khoc nhe

    Khong khoc ne de me trong cay trai

    Ba vao nha may,  ong ba vui cay cay.

    I turn 3, I started pre-school

    The teacher love be because I did not cry

    I didn't cry so mom can plant tree and fruit

    So dad can go to work, grandparents are happy gardending.

    I hope this help. my kids sing it all the time and clap hand.

    There are video called "the he tre". they have a lot of children song.  if you need more help or list of song email me.

  4. There's a song I'd learnt since kindergarten. It's very simple, yet, very ear-catching. I haven't heard it being sung for a long while, I hope you recognize it once you see it. Here's how it goes:

    Trông kìa con voi, nó đứng lung linh, nghiêng mình trong đám nhện đang vò tơ.

    Anh chàng voi ta thích chí mê thôi, bèn mời anh khác đang xa vào chơi.

    Look ! There sways an elephant,  inclining in a bunch of web-spinning spiders.

    He's so enthralled by enjoying himself ; then invite another one in a distance to come in & play.

    (I'm not really good at translating, but, I gave it a shot anyway :) )

    Hope you like it, Ong Jon. Hope the children like it, too.

  5. Em đi chơi thuyền trong thảo cầm viên...Chim kêu hót mừng chào đón xuân về..

    "I join  a speedboat in an amusement park. Birds are singing welcoming springtime

    I forgot the rest of the song :P

  6. LMAO!! omg i know this song!! haha my mom use to sing it to me when i was little!! lol but too bad the people on top answer it already!! just to let u know, the notes are exactly like the song "are you sleeping"

  7. Q: this is to the tune of "frair a jeaque a"[sp] duoc khong???lol

    A: yeah, taht's the original version of the song, and the original lyric doesn't any less, like you sai, "crappy". I think it just sounds "crappy" cuz you got the translation wrong, like that last part "I will sit" what is that? :p whoever translated this only translated word by word

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