
Please give me your opinion on getting my baby his first shots...?

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My son will be 9 weeks old tomorrow and he is scheduled to receive his first shots tomorrow, I am really worried about it because of all the talk about autism and all that. Also my mother in law said that her step daughter had a seizure after she got her shots because she was allergic to the medicine. I have also heard that it could cause him to run a fever after he gets the shots. I am so worried. I know that he needs the shots but I don't want him to have a bad reaction to them. Maybe I am just being my normal worry wart self but I would really appreciate all opinions to this matter. He is my first baby so I am "inexperienced". Please help! Thanks in advance.




  1. The first shots are very mild and your baby may not have any reaction at all. Mine didn't. If you're really worried, give him a dose of Tylenol before hand. He'll be fine. Ask your pediatrician to talk to you about the vaccines. Also, it's only the MMR that people feel causes autism and your baby wouldn't get that shot until 15 months anyway. Vaccines are important and protect not just your child, but everyone else's. To not vaccinate is selfish and ill-informed, IMO.

  2. My daughter turns 9 weeks old today, she is also getting her shots tommorrow.  Be sure to give tempra or tylenol about 45 minutes before the apt.  Baby may have soreness or reddness at the injection site, may run a fever, may sleep alot.  Talk with your doctor before hand to find out about any other problems that may arise.  

    I too have read all the info linking autism to shots, but there is no way i would allow my baby to not get them.

    Just my opinion.

    Best of luck.  We will probably be in the same boat tomorrow, poor little babies.  :)

  3. go with your gut, you're the mother and you have instincts for a reason.  i heard on the news the other day that measles is on the rise in the US because a lot of people are not getting vaccines sometimes because of the autism scare.   as a result many people are getting the measles for example infants who haven't yet been vaccinated.  this is one reason i try not to take my 3 week old daughter out in public.  so my instincts tell me to get her vaccinated.  i know i was and i know lots of people who were and we're not autistic.  but you have to do what feels right for your baby.  vaccines may cause autism for all we really know but does your gut tell you that's what will happen in your case?  it doesn't in mine.

  4. The below information is based on my personal experience and should not be taken as medical advice.

    While you may have a great doctor for your baby  and while you may even trust your baby's doctor, keep in mind, he / she is your employee. He / she did NOT make the vaccines, did not test the vaccines and did not deem them safe or effective. Your doctor is doing what he is told to do by a governmental agency.  

    With over 25 years of Pediatric Nursing and seeing what I have seen, I would NEVER Vaccinate a child these days.

    NO CHILD can come out healthy after over 50+(FIFTY PLUS) Vaccines.

    You do  know that there are over 50 Vaccines given to babies and kids these days right?

    Many young and new parents do not have a clue what it is like to bring a perfectly healthy child into a doctors office for a "shot" which is really more like 5 shots (or 3 in one) and a couple of others and to have a screaming child that then has seizures and THEIR LIFE AND YOUR LIFE  IS NEVER THE SAME AGAIN.



    And to top it off, the doctor and the company that makes the Vaccines are NOT liable for the ANY complications or deaths that are caused from ANY Vaccines. You as parents will be left holding the bag.

    Think of it this way ... While not every person who smokes cigarettes will get lung cancer, not evey child who gets vaccines will become neurogically impared or Autistic. However, we know that cigarettes DO infact cause Cancer. It is only a matter of time before this is admitted. In the meantime, parents who are vaccinating, YOU ARE PLAYING RUSSIAN ROULETTE WITH YOUR CHILD.

    Unfortunately, being that there is an ongoing funneling of BIG $$$ for vaccines, for children injured by vaccines, for medications given to children injured by vaccines, for ONGOING care of these kids, the government has a huge stake in allowing the drug companies all of this profit. It is easy to figure out... just follow the money !

    Ohhh... and just for some food for thought. So you really believe that your pediatrician gives their own children all of the recommended Vaccines on the CDC Vaccine schedule?   I doubt it highly. Do you think they are going to tell you that? I doubt that even more highly.

    Why? Because the need to keep their license so that they can work and earn lots of money. They make money when they vaccinate your children and they make money when your children become injured from vaccines. It is  financially a win/win situation for EVERYONE but the child and the parents.

  5. I completely understand where your coming from. I just took my daughter to get her shots 3 weeks ago. I was very afraid myself but once your in the doctors office you'll be just fine. As for your child, my only advice is for you not to worry from your child being allergic to the medicine. I think that is rare so you don't have to be so concerned about that. Also, the day before you take your son to get his shots you should go to the store and buy him some Tylenol or Motrin for Infants. Of course you should NOT give him any medicine until after the shots and your Pediatrician will give you a piece a paper letting you know how much medicine to give your baby.

    That way a couple hours after you take him home from the doctors you don't have to run to the store to buy him some medicine and you'll already have it on hand.

    Most babies get a fever a few hours after the shots, my daughter got a fever that night and the next day. Luckily, I had her shots on Friday and Saturday when she was sick from the vaccines I was home with her all day. She was pretty cranky too.

    Well hopefully I helped a little.

    Good luck and be strong because they are going to prick the kid in the thighs very quick! =) I felt terrible during the process but you'll be alright at the end of it =).

  6. Its normal to be nervous as getting those shots is never pleasant for the baby or the mother! But they are sooo important and you have to do what is necessary to protect your child and other children. (Unvaccinated children can make children with immature immune systems sick too) Because many worried mom's out there are choosing not to get their child's shots, or delay them these days....some of these potentially life threatening diseases (such as measles which can be fatal) are on the rise again in the US. But studies have proven that there is NO link between vaccines and autism. Millions of kids are vaccinated every day, if vaccines caused autism, wouldn't you see more autistic children out there? (including many of us adults) I think the reason why autism seems like its on the rise is because we now are able to recognize it so doc's are able to diagnose it, but in actual fact its been around for many years.

    As far as the fever goes, that is normal after a baby gets their vac's. But its only temporary and its treatable with tylenol.

  7. Please do NOT give tylenol or motrin before his shots, especially being his first shots, you don't know how he will react to them, and Tylenol can cover up a reaction.

    Take it from someone who knows...  My daughter ended up with a severe reaction to her meningitis vaccine (we believe tho she recieved 4 that visit), and by the time we really picked up on it, she was paralyzed..  Thankfully she is fine now, and overcame it w/ therapy.  But I can't help but wonder, did the tylenol stop anything I could have caught earlier that would have saved her tons of suffering??  Some sites say it did, I don't really know.  Vaccines are important, but you as a parent have to advocate for your child as well...  I am not antivax however, with my son, we will slowely vaccinate, introducing 1 per time and watching his reaction...  Babies get WAY too many vaccines their first year of life, and it's not neccessary...  We don't even introduce food to babies as fast as we introduce medication!  I had to experience seeing my baby lay there w/ tubes down her throat, up her nose, strapped to a bed, getting spinal taps, and MRI's..  Ugh..  If I could save anyone from that I would..  The risks are low in your favor, and I do buy the autism link a little but not a lot, I think other things contribute to it as well...  I would give him Tylenol after the shots if he gets a fever, but not before, you won't forgive yourself..  You could always selective vax on a longer schedule if you are that scared..  That's what we do, I also wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't vax and my kids caught something. :-/

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