
Please give me your opinions on these names?

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Alexander Ryan

Dean Elijah


Annalise Narissa

Anisa Isabella

Keep in mind middle names are just as important as first names since my family tend to call each other by thier middle names.




  1. For the boys i like Dean Elijah

    For the girls i like Anisa Isabella

    they are just my opinions they sound pretty cool

    if you are deciding on a name just go with what you like the best what do you think is original or common and what names you like :)


  2. I really like Alexander Ryan.  I like Annalise and Isabella and the other names are ok.  Name your children what you would like, they're your children.  Who cares what others think?  

  3. First of all, congratulations!


    Alexander Ryan- cute and has a decent flow!

    Dean Elijah- good flow, but I like Alexander Ryan better


    Annalise Narissa- beautiful! Narissa is very unique and pretty!

    Anisa Isabella- nice, but I like Annalise Narissa better

    good luck and congratulations!

  4. I like Alexander Ryan (I especially love the nickname Alex) and Dean Elijah is nice.

    I like Annalise better as Anneliese and I also like Isabella, not a fan of Anisa, I prefer Alyssa and Narissa seems to be a made-up version of Larissa or Marissa.

  5. annalise narissa is gorgeous and alexander ryan is okay if u call him alex but i respect the whole family name thing seeing as i am going to name my child when i get pregant if it s a boy parker[cuz m,y dad wanted to name me that if i was a boy], craig[dad name, or fredrick[grandfathers name]

  6. I love those names, they are all really nice and not too common.

    Alexander Ryan has a nice ring to it.

    Dean Elijah, Sophiscicated & not too common.

    Annalise Narissa, i like Annalise but not too keen on Narissa.

    Anisa Isabella, I love both those names but im not sure about them together as they both end in th sound "ar" lol.

    How about Anisa Isabelle or Isabelle Anisa?

    Hope this helped :)

  7. Anisa Isabella sounds too close .

    Analise Narissa is ok.

    Not sure about Narissa though.

    and Alexander Ryan for the boy.

  8. i like Dean and Annalise.

  9. not what i would do cuz i'm more of the stick to the basics kind a person. but ya i like em

  10. Alexander Ryan

    Anissa Isabella

    i love it relay nice pick up lol

  11. From the boys, I'm afraid I don't like either, but I do like the names Alexander and Elijah. How about Elijah Alexander?

    From the girls I like them both, but my favourite is Anisa Isabella. I think Anisa Isabelle might sound better though

  12. I'm not too keen on the boys names but the girls names are really nice

    good luck with your new arrival and naming him/her x


  13. Those are some good names but I already know 3 people that are naming there kid alexander. One even spelling it like this " alexzander" but you name your kid whatever your heart desires, just know that's very common now.

  14. Alexander Ryan is so cute.

    Of the girls, I think Annalise Isabella would sound nice (I know that's a combination of your two ideas, but I really like it lol) :)

  15. i love those names

  16. I like all of those, very nice names

  17. What beautiful names! I adore "Anisa"- it has an air of class and elegance about it but is still very pretty and useable. In terms of fit and flow, I would reverse the name to Isabella Anisa, but of course your surname comes into play when making these decisions too. That has to be my top pick from the two girls names there. Annalise Narissa is also pretty but I just love "Anisa" upon hearing it!

    Alexander Ryan flows wonderfully and just seems to go well together. I can picture this name on a child and also an adult, which is another important consideration to make when choosing a name. Elijah is a great name, has such a melodic sound to it. A friend of mine has just named her baby boy "Elijah Shey" which I think works well. I would go with "Elijah Dean" rather than "Dean Elijah" personally.

    Overall: great names there!

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