
Please have time to Help me out with my Breakup

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Please help im loosing my mind i need the peoples help

my girlfriend is confusing me.

she tells everyone im her boyfriend Family,friends,everyone

and when she gets upset with me she says she is just dating me and im not her boyfriend.

but the thing is she always says she takes our relationship serious and she loves me. im over everyday and night

she breaks up with me over something stupid and says all she asked is for me to do one thing and i couldnt do it.which was take her dog to get cut.

and she breaks up with me, then sends me textes all day and calls all day and says things like we are finished dont talk to me im done ect. and i said to leave me alone and im moving on.....well then tonight she texts me "i said sorry" and "like whats the point in dating you if you cant do one thing i ask" and i (which is me), need to be with someone that is sensitive to my feelings and wants a serious relationship because she doesn't because she doesnt have the patients with me. and she does love me and she would never say she doesnt no matter how upset she gets.

so why is she telling everyone that im her boyfriend and that we are in a relationship and then because of a dog geting cut im now dating her and not her boyfriend. im confused

she then says she will call me tomorrow and talk this out but im confused she said and i said we are done and moving on and she will not let it go.

im 23 and she is 21 she also works 7 days a week and has family issues and past drug use which was 5 years ago. and 2 bad relationships




  1. talk to her and let it all out. tell her what your telling us now and you might get the answers. Women are complicated and tell her if she really liked you then she would not breakup with you over stupid stuff and u want to take her seriously. not just a mess around and tell her that you rlly cared. that usually works for me

  2. she confuses me as well.


    don't answer the your phone if you know she's calling.

    ignore her.

    don't give a d**n about her.

    she doesn't deserve a relationship if she acts like that.

  3. This is the time to RUN!! It sounds like your girlfriend needs a lot of counseling and serious emotional help from a mental health professional. She is not going to be in any kind of condition for a stable relationship for a long time and you should NOT wait around, hoping that the emotional roller coaster she has you on is going to stop anytime soon. Based solely on the statements you provided in the last paragraph about the past bad relationships, past drug use and family issues leads me to believe none of these things will be quickly resolved. Also, her confusion as to what kind of a relationship she wishes to have with you is a strong indicator as well. You are better off leaving now so she can get the help she truly needs before something happens to make things infinitely worse, like her getting pregnant or returning to recreational drug use. Sometimes, as much as we love someone, we have to let them go to protect ourselves from getting sucked into their pain. Best of luck and again, walk away now!

  4. It seems like you need to do some serious talk with her. Explain to her how you really feel when she does this to you. And you need to either talk this out and see if both of you can adjust to your wants and needs as well as hers if you do love each other. Otherwise, so both of you don't get hurt in the long run, you should end it now. You need to explain to her that what she does hurts and confuses you. If she can't let go of you and you're tired of this situation, she needs to make adjustments. She needs to forget her past, move on, be happy with what she has and who she has, and she should just know that you're there for her even though there are family issues. Maybe she needs to talk to a therapist.

  5. Um she sounds like she is 5.  

  6. so whats the question ?

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