
Please help, 10 points?

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I have pretty much every symptom of ADHD, however my mom said they would not treat me because I am very smart and get really good grades. I really want the treatment though because I have such a hard time concentrating. Would they give me the medicine?




  1. I dont see how the grades thing should affect why they give you the treatment? if you need it you need it.

  2. You would need to be diagnosed as such by a Psychiatrist or have your Physician refer you to a Psychiatrist. That would be my advice.

  3. my friend has ADD and she gets streat As, so i would think grades have nothing to do with for medication i am not sure. But in school when you have problems they give you extra help, and shorter tests and all that c**p...but you do have to be tested for it first

  4. I was in a very similar situation in high school.  Its a tough call I think.  I used to be on a two doses of Ritalin per day (I'm not sure the strength).  I was it for most of elementary school, and my grades were perfect.  But then the summer would come around, being that there is no school during summer I had no need for Ritalin.  And all of a sudden all the things that I missed before, like the quirky little things people do, and the incredible beauty in nature, they all came into focus.  Ritalin does make life easy.  But honestly, it comes at a cost.  

    So I stopped, I said something at an opportune moment in a conversation with my parents, something about the true me, and why don't I just stay in the state I get when I take the medicine.  It worked.  

    It definitely was harder to maintain my grades.  But I managed, with some motivation, to do pretty well.  I am currently attending a prestigious university in the north east and majoring in chemical engineering.  So It comes down to preference.  Do you want to get perfect grades with little effort? or do you want to enjoy life unadulterated the way god or whatever force is out there intended?  If I were you I would ask to try it just to see what its like.  Doctors love to give non-generic sample drugs to potential customers.  

    Also, there is a possibility that your personality just predisposes you to be a bit unfocused.  Take a personality test, see what you come up with.  You might be surprised.  You might just be an intp like Einstein, Darwin, Jung, and many others.                

  5. consult a phd, they would diagnose you better and they would give you the medication if they see you need it.

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