
Please help, I'm a total wreck right now!?

by  |  earlier

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I think I blew it with my dad, for good now. I have had a boyfriend for 3 years now. I am 16, and like we were kissing and his friend took some pics on my camera. I didn't realize it at the time, but later I was looking through pics and was like whatever. So I took my camera to my dads and left it at the computer, so he looked through my pics and when he found them he kicked me out and called me a s**t, and took everything out of my room and threw it in the garbage. He just moved here two months ago, I never really knew him before that except the cards he would send at birthday time. Did I blow it with him? I have tried calling and going by there, he hung up on me twice as soon as I spoke. How do I get him to forgive me? My mom didn't care about the pics, so why did he?

Here is one of the pics, They were nothing more than kissing! Please help! I asked this earlier but I didn't get hardly any answers!




  1. It sounds like your dad has his own problems and is looking for any reason to have a way out, sorry.  This is no way such a horrible situation to you should have been kicked out for.  Kids kiss all of the time. It should not be a big deal.  It sounds like he has issues to get through.  So sorry he is treating you this way.  I hope things get better.

  2. Hang in there. I would say I don't think those pics are reason for him to act out in the way he did. I think that it is all on him. You did nothing wrong. So my thinking on this is that it is up to him now. I don't think you "blew it with him". It is just a picture. And as your dad I should hope he would love and respect you enough to not shut you out the way he is. Give him time. Hold your head up, and know his behavior is not your fault!

  3. I can't give an answer about your dad, but the picture does show a bit more then kissing, like it appears that your boyfriend has soon good size hickies on his neck, that could freak a parent out. I know from when I was younger my father expected more out of me then my mother did, so maybe dad just didn't think his daughter should being doing these things yet.

  4. Neither yours, nor your dad's actions are good. In the picture, your boyfriend has a hickey on his neck, and from the position you were in, well, it does look like you've gone further.

    But, your dad is supposed to be the adult.  He has no right to throw your stuff in the garbage.  If I were your mother, I'd throw him out, especially since you haven't had him around it appears.

    It will take time, but you can rebuild his trust.  I have a rule of never doing anything in public view that I wouldn't want my parents to watch.

  5. ..i think he blew it with you..bein gone all those years of your life..

  6. you were kissing that is all. Your dad is acting very immature by behaving like this. Hanging up on your child is ridiculous. And that fact that he looked through you pics shows a lack of respect for your privacy. You need to assess what you want from this relationship with him. The fact that he has not seen you in so long and is now treating you like this shows his level of maturity. Have a talk with your mum. She knows you best and will help you to sort out what you should do

  7. your dad is being an absolute jerk and WAY out of line. do not waste your love on him.

  8. i truthfully think your dad is over reacting. even when a parent is extremely disappointed there is no good enough reason to call your child a s**t and send her on her way... seriously its not like he saw pics of you  naked laying on a couch  or something..  perhaps maybe it wasn't soo much the picture of you leaning over your boyfriend kissing but the fact he has hickeys on his neck.. who knows, but still he shouldn't of called you a s**t and i do believe he overreacted.. you asked if you think you have lost a fatherly relationship over this picture ( s )  i don't think so, but if it does end up that way, he wasn't in your life until  2 months ago, so that should tell you something..  i think your mom should have a talk with him and maybe with her saying that she didn't think it was that big of a deal and try to lesson the tension then maybe he will come around and see it wasn't something to jump on so abruptly..

  9. if your dad would kick you out for someting like that then i really dont think you need him. that is not what fathers do. yeah he may have been mad but to throw you out is horrible

  10. awww i remember those days... the gold old highschool days.

    All you can do is change your ways

  11. i wouldnt worry about him then it may be hard but thats not how you treat your daughter who your just getting to really no you didnt do anything wrong

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