
Please help, I'm so sad, and I'm sorry it's a long question?

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I live in France & I'm leaving to a boarding 6th form college in England in 4 days (which was my choice). At the time I made the choice ( a year ago) , my two best friends said they were leaving, so I thought it would be a good chance to leave too, so I applied for my new school.

I'm starting to regret my decision to move, because I'll miss my other best friend alot, other people I'm friendly with at my school and also my family. On top of that, yesterday was the last time I saw my boyfriend before I leave. We went out for dinner, and broke up because of my leaving. I miss him, but long distance doesn't work. It's only been 3 months, but I suddenly felt really close to him last night and like a strong connection and now I really don't want to not be with him.

I kind of want to stay in France now, but I can't really because my school fee's have been paid etc. Secondly my boyfriend is in another school, and recently me and my friends have become really close with people from his school, so if I were to stay, I would only have 2 close friends at my school, I talk to alot of people..but I'm only really close friends with them.

If I stay, my parents will be p*ssed, but they'll also be understanding, and they don't want me to leave. But it will be hard getting back in with people at my school.

But I'm terrified of leaving, and I'll miss people like h**l.

What should I do? Any help is appreciated because I just feel depressed. x




  1. Stephy_b, Stay sweety stay ! I am a 48 year old man in the United States who still lives in the same county where I grew up. Most of my classmates left for a so called better life. But whenever I speak to one of them they are homesick and kinda regret leaving ! My roots are here so this is home !

  2. Wow what a predicament your in. I understand your reservations about not wanting to leave but with all the texting, emailing, video cams and technology like that we have these days it wont be like your apart at all. Look, your in France and I'm in the United States yet were talking like were right next door. You can stay in touch with your friends as much or as little as you choose. Imagine all the new friends you'll make at your new school. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you and YOUR FUTURE so don't give up so easily. Good byes are the hardest part but you'll be past that soon. Be strong and do well. Good Luck!!

  3. Its hard the first time you move away from friends and family

    also remember this you will meet new friends..many of them if you do go.

    also don't be afraid to try new things you never know you just might like it!!!

    your true friends will always be there for you no matter what!!

  4. Firstly, there must have been something else that made u decide, other than your friend's leaving. Try to remember what that reason was, and keep reminding yourself of it. For example, if you think this new school will help you with your career, focus on that, and try to keep your mind off things until you leave.

    Secondly, think of how important your boyfriend is, and what you general view on relationships is. For example, if it is important to you that you stay with your first boyfriend (i don't know if this is the case here) forever, and you've built this to the status of a principle inside your head, it might not allow you to meet other boys.

    One of my favorite quotes goes like this: "If you love someone, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't - they never were!" Remember that something that is meant to be will eventually work out, so focus on what is most important to you at the moment.  

  5. i feel sorry for you :(

    me !!.. i dont wanna be in this situation lol

    but if i were you i`d just take a look at the future not at this time of my life ..i mean you might wanna be with your boyfriend and you 2 best friends more than anything now because thats all you can see..but your future is more important than this so you cant let it stand in your way .

    you can always find your way back to them after finishing up your new school but can you find your way back to your new school after finishing up with ur friends and ur boyfriend ? i guess not...

    think about from both sides and ask your parents they sure want the best for you

    goodluck xD

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