
Please help, I don't know how she feels?

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ok me and my gf Anna were kinda half going out at first then we decided to call it off for a bit, then apparently she texted me a couple of times but i didn't get the texts, here's how the conversation went, and i'd appreciate it if you could tell me what you think she's trying to say and how she feels about it :)

“so I take it you’re going to be a k**b and just ignore me?” her

“Not at all why’d you think that?x” me

“cos you’re not replying to my txts” her

“oh ****, on my other phone? X” me

“on the phone you’re texting on now” her

“I DEFINITELY havn’t got any =/ x” me

“well I DEFINITELY sent it and it’s not like you’re dying to keep in contact” her

“I know and I’m sorry, I was just being dumb, that’s pretty much all I can say really, but I am sorry”me

“my bad you ok? X” (I accidently sent her a blank text instead of saying hi)

“why wouldn’t I be?” her

“just checkin’ didn’t know if you got my last text x” me

“saying you were being stupid? You may need to expand on that one for me” her

“I shlda tried to contact, that’s why” me

“why didn’t you?” her

“I wasn’t sure how you felt about it all” me

“well where do you stand?are you over me” her

“are you not?what?” her

“ I don’t see how it would work…you?” her

“I just remember how good it was, I don’t really know whare I stand, what about you” me

well…have you been getting with other ppl? her

“” me

“well why didn’t you?” her

“just didn’t feel for it. What about you?”me

“I did… Jason I really don’t want this to keep dragging on. What do YOU want to do?” her

“this is all just a waste of time really”me

“why do you always do that? You end it so I move on. If you don’t make me urs im not urs. So if it’s a waste of time then fine. **** it. I’m tired of your mood swings and changing your mind.” her

“I don’t really know how you feel about anything so I don’t really know what I want =/” me

“fine its over until you figure out if im worth anything anymore and if you even want it. Coz there is no point if you don’t even know how you feel.k?” her

“I need some time to think, how do you feel about us?” me

“how much time do you need! Its been months. Thinking isn’t going to change how you feel – even if you don’t know what it is you feel” her

“do you think I’m worth carrying on with?” me

“why don’t we just call this quits and call it friend” her

“if your getting off with guys does that mean you’r over me?” me

“im bored and tired of all this c**p and if we did go out I don’t think it would work out at all so it’s a lot of time and money over… nothing really” her




  1. I really think shes probably out of your league sorry

  2. she's a whack job.

  3. Seems... she likes you; & doesnt want to turn the other way.

  4. Dude, she's tired of you waiting so long to give her a response.

    Stop leading her on. If you don't like her, tell her that.

    If you like her, ask her out again.

    But you are stringing her along, whether you believe it or not.

    She's right. You need to make a decision. She isn't going to wait forever.

  5. she wants you to say i want you back  

  6. Man, she's just winding you up but not to be funny, just cos she cant bear for you to be with someone else.  She's playing with your head.  Move on!

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