
Please help, Im really scared!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so today at 3am me and my husband were both lying in bed trying to sleep, i felt really anxious, but i didnt want to bug my husband, well after a few minutes, i rolled over and asked him "do you feel weird?" he jumped up and said yeah! and we started freaking out. We turned on the lights, checked the doors, looked outside, looked at the news and weather. but we cant figure out what is going on. we still feel weird, what the h**l is going on? serious answers only please.




  1. First, I would ask you where you live.  Most likely you are experiencing a sensitivity to the subtle Earth shifts, especially if you are on the West Coast, ie., earthquake energy.  

    The last time I was in LA, in February, 2007, I just felt something was 'off', was 'terribly wrong'.  I ended up the week having bouts of crying, which I never do, and a horrible feeling of dread and anxiety.  

    I knew I had to 'get out of there' asap, and even changed my plane ticket to leave early.  Then I met two ladies at the convention who both also felt the same way, and had done the exact same thing, except they were leaving even before I was.  

    There is more to the story, but this will suffice for now.  My premonition was in fact related to the earthquake and tsunami which hit the Solomon Islands just this past week.  Sometimes we feel things, which is our survival mode being switched on, that keep us safe.  

    Again, where are you located.  

    From there, as some of the other people have posted here, we could go to energies from objects or disembodied spirits.  

    Hope this helps.   There could be more than one answer to this question.  If I can help further, please contact me.

  2. Maybe it was just a bad dream - two people can share a dream but I have no idea how it happens. Some kind of sub-concious energy link I think.

  3. It sounds like the old middle of the night hysteria. You're both tired, it's dark out and your mind can wander all it wants to....I bet somehow, the daylight cured it all. Just relax and forget it.

  4. This may sound dumb  but if you believe in spirits, just tell the spirit that they are unwanted and ask them to leave you and your husband alone.

  5. 1)it could be a coincidence that both your husband and u are having some sort of anxiety attacks at the same time. could be caused by past troubles or even what u had for dinner.

    2)though might be unbelieveable to some, i'm telling you straight now, that your house might be haunted. no, i'm not scaring you. i've experience it first hand. my old house use to be haunted and still is, the thing is, it was so obvious. anxiety attacks was kept silience because we know. but lucky, they were something like a friendly spirit. did bother my brother a few times, but nothing further then that. other then that, sightings and noises are normal occurence. iam a Muslim, and we believe in other beings, other then angels, devils and human. just to be on the safe side, have your house checked by professionals or religious people (according to your faith and believe)

    3)or maybe it was just something accidental. it happens.

  6. This might sound weird.... early this morning at 3 AM i woke up feeling choked and nauseas. I stepped out for a walk and went towards my barn only to see all my animals feeling restless. My neighbor claims that he was feeling weird too this morning. it could be some kind of geological phenomena that makes certain humans and animals react in a certain way.

  7. possibly demons are visiting you checking you out if you don't believe in God it might be time you did..if your of the spirit you will know evil when you feel it around you.

  8. have you ever felt this before and is it specific to your room?

  9. RELAX!!! Having only one aisle case you cannot reach to any conclusion.

    Whatever sound human beings hear during the night easily makes us over-thinking & scared - During the day it’s not like this. I want to ask you something…would have you behaved in the same manner if it happened during the day???

    People are weak; do not let them to scare you with stupid assumptions. If you saw a video on how you both behaved at night, you would find it silly & funny.

    In my opinion you were overstressed (for any reason) and because you did not find any logic explanation about its reason, you immediately related it you a paranormal matter making your husband scared too.

    Most important thing: Do not pre-dispose yourself to feel the trying to find a proof to strength  your fears because you will relate any stupid sound to a paranormal matter.

  10. Is there any new object in your bedroom?  How long have you lived in your house?  Sprinkle holy water in corners of all your rooms.

  11. Nothing's going weird. Well I think that you mght have felt someone's presence in the room. Or else a simultaneous weather chaging took place. Maybe something is missing and you are forgetting it. Some paintings you put in the house, that's missing..etc. or something like that.

  12. Okay but you are gonna need more details! Just exactly what are you feeling?

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