Im 16 years old and was with me ex for a year and a half, we where really close, and lived around the corner from each other, We was going through a bad time, and he turned around and said to me one day he had " Fallen out of love with me" So i guess i had to accept this however much it hurt, So we went our seperate way"s, A couple of weeks later i found out i was pregnant ( With him )!, i decided obviously he had to know, so i asked him if we could meet and i told him!. He didnt react to well, and told me that he would only support me through an abortion, because he did not want a baby, At first i was going to have an abortion for him because he made me feel guily, so he met up with me a few times to talk about it, Then a few weeks later i decided i wanted to keep the baby and he should no influence it. i met up with him and told him i was keeping it, and sure enough he walked away, I tried to contact him after that and he woudnt return any of my calls, Sometimes he would ask me what im up to and make contact, other times he would simply egnore me. Sadly a week ago i suffered a misscarriage i was devastated, i just cant recover from it, i contacted him and he hasnt got back to me AT all, nothing not even one word, I still have ALOT of questions left unanswered, do i meet or contact him to ask ?! or leave it and see if he ever contacts me?!