
Please help, easy 10 points, promise!?

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Ok so I'm getting a hamster (Zoey) soon and I was wondering where I should leave her cage. I'm leaving her in a 10 gallon fish tank with a top that has holes in it. Should I leave it on a low surface, like the cage on the ground (she'll be in my room) with the door closed ALL the time or should I put her cage on a piece of furniture? I'm worried if its on the piece of furniture the cage will fall. P.S. It has to be somewhere in my room or my cats will get to it. And if it stays in my room with the door closed all the time the cats can't get it. Anyways, thanks for answering!




  1. I keep my hamster on my desk.  you should keep it on a peice of furniture al the time with the door closed,  

  2. WOW what a coincidence. LOL I got my first hamster last May named Zoey and she's still with me. I was soooo worried that my two aggressive cats would get to her, but they never seemed to attack. With a fish tank, you don't have to worry that your cats' claws will get to your hamster while she's in the cage because unlike you, I got a metal barred cage. I put my hamster in our office on an extra desk. I put a squirt bottle on the desk so whenever I did catch my cats up there, I would squirt them. I don't really care if they are up there now because they just watch them. LOL!!! I wouldn't put the hamster in your room if I were you. If your cats are like mine, they LOVE my room. They sleep on my bed 24/7. If I shut my door they would cry outside of my bedroom or I could accidently lock them in my room. Also hamsters are nocturnal so she would make alot of noise at night, so putting her in your room isn't the best idea. You could just put a towel from the top of you cage where your cats could reach her. Good Luck!!! :)

  3. I would put it on top of something, and just be careful not to drop it or bump into it. That way if u have kids around the house and you don't want them to get to Zoey then they cant reach it if its up. So in my opinion put it on top of like a dresser or table in your room. But defiantly make sure the door is closed cause of the cat.   Wish you the best hope u like your new pet!  

  4. just put it on a piece of furniture, far away enough from the edge so it doesnt fall. it is better for the hampster, they have more to look at, and the cat, in case u forget to close the door, cant get to it as easy. also make sure u have tubes, and things like that, so, if the cat does get on the furniture, the hampster can hide until u get  to it. that is wat i would do:) good luck:)

  5. i would say on top then shes not in your way

  6. Get a hamster cage. Because most hamster cages have plenty of things for your hamster to do.  

  7. don't leave her on the ground, even if you are sure you will lock your door,sometimes people forget about it,or someone else could open it,and thats how my hamster got killed by my dog.

  8. Put it at least 2 feet off the ground, this gives the hamster a feeling of security. Don't worry about it falling because aquariums are heavy.

  9. put her on a piece of furniture out of sun,cold,or windy places AND KEEP THE CATS AWAY FROM IT AT ALL TIMES

  10. Keep it on a table, a foot or two off the ground.  The floor can be drafty, and rodents are pretty delicate.  On a side note, I would advise against keeping it in your room.  They're nocturnal, and tend to make a lot of noise while you're trying to sleep.  If you could pick a different room to keep your cats out of, I would highly recommend it.

  11. well. i'd say on a piece of furniture like a dresser. how big are the holes? surely not big enough for the hamster to climb through. if its got a lid on it i wouldn't of thought the cats would be able to get it. don't put it on the floor tho.  

  12. i would say on a desk somewhere, because  it would be hard to keep your door closed at all times

  13. put it on the floor because if the hamster ever escapes when he's on your desk or dresser, he might fall off and get injured. but if you did put it on a piece of furniture, the cage won't fall...the hamster will.

    good luck.

  14. well actually you are right about the whole falling thing so i would reccomend they ground but definitely KEEP iT AWAY from an air condittioning vent or heating vent

  15. You should buy a proper cage made for hamsters (with bars and safety doors)! It is better for the hamster and for you too. He will have a fresh air, have you ever put your head in a tank? The air there is stinky and "heavy"...and you will be sure about his safety.

  16. It really doesn't matter if you put her on furniture or ground, but since you are a little worried, put it on the ground.  Make sure your room is room tempature (60-78 degrees F)!

    Good luck!

  17. well thats a good idea to put in your room but i don't think it would be a good idea to put it on the ground but ir you have a flat surface in your room maybe a desk or something you could out it there.

  18. The floor might not be a good idea. Put it on a sturdy piece of furniture. like a dresser.

  19. if its in a fish tank i doubt that it would fall it would be too heavy i would think, but if you are concerned about it, i would leave the cage on the floor for now, but just make sure that there is a strong lid on it, in case one of your cats gets in.   i know how cats are i have had 4 hamsters in my life and i always had to protect the little guy because i had 6 cats int eh house who all wanted to eat him..hope i could have been helpfull

  20. From personal experience I would say somewhere on like a dresser or something. Our hamster had just given birth to 11 baby hamsters. After 4 weeks we left the door open by accident and our cat ate all of the hamsters.  Better to be safe than sorry. Somewhere high.

  21. I would put it on a desk and not keep it in a tank you should get a hamster cage for hamsters

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