
Please help, exotic animal???

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I have ALWAYS wanted a PLATYPUS! Weird, i know, but when i was little I had a dream that I HAD to get one. Don't call me, is there any way I can get one in Illinois? How much? What food. etc, anything you know.!!!




  1. The male Platypus has ankle spurs which produce a cocktail of venom, composed largely of defensin-like proteins. The female Platypus, in common with echidnas, has rudimentary spur buds which do not develop (dropping off before the end of their first year) and lack functional crural glands.

    So just be careful

  2. No, you cannot own a platypus as a pet...they are wild animals and it would be illegal to own one.  Also, they are found in Australia and Tasmania and would not be easy or cheap to get to the US even IF they were legal.  Also, are you aware that the platypus is venomous, they have a spur on their legs that can give a very painful "sting".  It would also be extremely difficult to keep such an animal alive..even zoos in the US do not regularly keep them.  Not sure why you think you would be qualified to own such a creature just because you had some silly dream about owning one.

  3. It is illegal to own a Platypus.

  4. B/c platypus are rare and non-native to US, I think it would be pretty hard to get one shipped to you. A house is not a suitable environment for this animal. If you really have to have one, I would suggest 'adopting' one from a zoo or animal center. Alot of times, they will let 'adopted' parents interact with the animal on occasion. There are just some animals that don't do well in captivity.

  5. <<... is there any way I can get one in Illinois?>>

    I hope not.  There's no way on Earth you'd have the right habitat available.  You'd require a gently flowing, clear bedded stream or perhaps a lake, and the banks would have to be well vegetated with the correct sorts of native Australian plants.  The roots of non-native plants tend to play havoc with platy tunneling techniques.

    <<What food.>>

    Small shrimps, mainly.

    <<anything you know.!!!>>

    A platy always hunts underwater with its eyes closed.  It's un-duck-like beak is packed with both mechano- and electro-receptors, and they enable it to detect the movements and directions of small shrimps in the vicinity.

  6. they're $17.99, eat goldfish and are supplied at Petco

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