
Please help, how should I handle this???

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I like this girl. I really really really like her. A few days ago we talked on line about stuff you know. But it got kinda deep. I like to keep my personal emotions inside because I don't want it to get into the way. I had some issues from way back...anyway we just got to talking & within like 20 minutes she just sat there {not even in the same room} and read me like a book. I feel intimidated but its weird because I also I trust her. But I never had anyone do that before. What should I do? What do you think? I really really really like her...we have so much in common...but how did she do that? How did she just pick up on it so easy? Anyone else I would have to explain everything, she just...put it all on the table. Is she some kind of mind reader???




  1. WRONG CATEGORY buddy, the 'Singles and Dating" category is under the 'Family & Relationships' category.

  2. Don't stop.Sounds like you two clicked.

  3. "Singles and Dating".

  4. You should be real with her and not worry about game.  Be yourself and open up to her.  If she isn't feelin the real you than you weren't meant to be anyway :)  You could still keep it interesting but you should definitely be your true self, its ok to be vulnerable, this is where you grow.

  5. No, she's not a mind-reader!  She's just a normal, compassionate, insightful person.  She has true sensitivity and the courage to share it with you.  I have that kind of insight too.  It is born of natural compassion [which means "feeling with"], combined with experience and intelligence.

    Some say there is a type of intelligence called "emotional intelligence", which this girl clearly has in abundance.

    Trust her and forge on with your relationship - but don't push too hard for physical intimacy, as she may pull back.

  6. It's a type of empathy, think something similar to the counselor on Star Trek the Next Generation.

    I've done that sort of thing on line and I know of others who have as well, clearly she clicks with you.

  7. Don't worry about it, hun. That's what being in a relationship is all about: understanding, passion, and feeling safe/protected when with each other. Be your true self and also tell her how you feel. I think that she likes you, too, because it's not everyday that something like that happens. All I can say is go for it. Tell her how amazing you think she is and how she read you like a book, which no one has ever done before. Don't plainly ask her out, but drop hints for about a week, then go for it! If you really like her and you feel she understands you/you feel totally safe around her, then this seems like true love in the making. Peace.

  8. That's what makes some people special, Not everybody gets to experience that with another. I doubt shes a mind reader :^ )

    Shes probably smart, caring and a little intuitive. Youre lucky, because like I said not everybody meets people like her.

  9. STALKER!!!!!!! haha jk i think you should tell her how you feel take the risk because she understands you and like you said you have a lot in common  

  10. Let's see here-you like her and are asking people in women and gender studies how to handle this. What's there to handle? Ask this in Singles and Dating or Psychology if you want to know what to do or want to know if she's a mind reader. What do we care?  

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