
Please help, i'm scared, and don't know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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a couple months ago i was sexually abused, harassed, and assaulted, by this guy he forced me to do stuff, i didn't want to and stuff. hes in my school, and he lives in my neighborhood and everything. ever since then, ive been deathly afraid of him. and my mom knows that so she uses it against me when i didn't listen and last night i got in alot of trouble and she used him against me i couldn't ride the bus cause he was on it so i was taken off and my counselors help make myself believe it wasn't my fault, but my mom has made me convince my self it was my fault he did all that and now I'm getting put back on the bus with him and i'm still afraid of him and she was yelling at me saying its my fault i am the way i am and its my fault it all happened to me and she knows how i feel about it but still says stuff and it just gets to me.

and now he is in one of my classes and he looks at me CONSTANTlY how do i get over it??




  1. well when you gave it up to him these things can happen, realize what you did was a mistake and get over it. I'm sure if the "abuse" was rally "abuse" the the law would have become involved.

  2. First, it wasnt your fault.  Let your Mother think what she will.  Go to the police.  At the very least they will scare him, and he will stop stalking you.

  3. talk to a school counselor, they are trained to help with situations like these

  4. u should go to the police,sooner the better

    and there's a saying that i always hear"who steals a dollar steals a thousand"

    which means he can't stop and ur in danger.

    i'm sorry if this made u worse but it's the truth! and u should talk to your mom!

    and remember, ppl who do stuff like this deserve jail!  

  5. Okay, not to be rude, but WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOUR MOM?! That's horrible, you're her child. If that happened to my child, I would be pressing charges, but she is trying to convince you it's your fault? It's not your fault, and it never will be, I'll promise you that. He had no right. You shouldn't have to ride the bus, and if you feel uncomfortable in the class, request a schedule change. I hope this gets better for you, because NO ONE should have to go through that type of emotional pain.  

  6. call the police if he did that to you

  7. i dont know why your mom acts like that towards you... i would pay some big guy at your school to give him a good beating.. im serious... he won't mess with you again or bother u

  8. All I could say is that I don't think you'll ever get over the situation; I'm sure it wasn't your fault...and I can't believe that your mother says it was.  That's crazy.  Your parent's are the ones that are suppose to look out for you.  Perhaps you can find a good friend you can confide in and talk to. You will have to talk about it or you will never get over it. I'm sure it must be hard to even think about what happened, but the first step to recovery, is to admit to yourself that this "really happened". It is a very real situation...and you can't change the past.  But for the future, don't fear this guy.  You've obvisiouly learned that he's a punk to say the learn from the past, and don't let it ruin your life.  If you let it ruin your life, "he wins".  I wish you the best of luck!

  9. First of all, you need to get away from this whole situation. You need to tell your counselor what is going on, and get this guy the justice he deserves--jail. It was not your fault. Your mom, I'm sorry to say, is completely wrong and is not good for you. You need to tell someone! Something else could happen to you or to someone else.  

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