
Please help, i don't know if this is serious or not.?

by  |  earlier

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my eyelid is swollen and it's been like this for awhile i tried putting ice on it but it doesn't seem to help the situation.

the eyelid is so swollen that i can't open my eye, i can open my eye its just it looks smaller than my other eye because the eyelid is drooping down over my eye can you please help me? ice isn't working




  1. Have you hit your nose/face/eyes within the last like 20 years? And I'd consult a doctor!  

  2. Ahh go to the doctor!

    Is it painful? Maybe an allergic reaction?

  3. You did not mention p***y or red eyes so it is probably not an infection.

    It sounds to me like a reaction to an insect bite possibly a spider bite near or on your eyelid. It will go down by itself or you can take an liquid antihistamine to speed things up like Benedryl or a similar generic kind.. Liquid is best as it is quicker to absorb and you can alter the dose if need be.

    It is also a good idea to always have Benedryl liquid antihistamine (or it's like) on hand for any kind of allergic reaction as it can even save a life in case of severe allergic reactions.

    If it is still swollen a few days from now go have it checked out.

  4. If it has been going on for more than a few days, I suggest going to your family physician. They can help a ton more than Yahoo Answers

  5. use a hot wet washcloth

  6. Could be a stye or something called histiocytosis which is a tumor get it checked out

  7. heat is best for swelling..use a warm can place a damp wash clothe in the microwave for a few seconds and that will help tremendously..but you probably will have to go get some antibiotic drops from the daughters eye did that and they told me it was a form of pink eye..good luck=)

  8. i've had it before. it's nothing that i've ever been able to explain though. it feels like someone punched you in the eye & definitely looks like it as well. in a few days it'll go away. by tomorrow the swelling will go down. if you feel like it go to the doctor & see what you can do about it. but just know that it will go away on it's own. so no worries.

  9. Look it up on medline.

    If it's crusty, it's probably pinkeye.

    If it's not, it may be an infected eyelash follicle.

    Some antibiotic cream just for eyes should help. See a doctor.

  10. sounds like a stye, which is an infection hence why ice is not working... go to the pharmacy and get some cream

  11. dude go to the doctor

  12. Eye stye I know using warm compresses work. Here is the info you need.

  13. It could be anything from pink eye to a more serious infection. If I were you I'd go to the doctor.

  14. You should get into the doctor as soon as you can. That way you will know what is going on and not be stressing about it.! Hope that helps. :]

  15. it might be a sty, in grown eye lash or a buy bite... go to the doctor...

  16. u should go to your doctor right away

    because u might have pink eye

  17. well what happened to give you a swollen eye? bug bite? someone hit you? wont know if its serious unless you tell why its swollen

  18. sounds like an infection or stye, go to the doctor.

  19. you may have an infection, like pinkeye or something. or a really bad bug bite. but either way, i think it's safe to say you should have it looked at by a doctor just in case. you don't want to compromise your vision

  20. I had the same thing, only it was on the bottom lid. I got cream/gel for it, it's called OFTALMOLOSA CUSI, it's an eye ointment, cos I got a eye infection from the sea at Majorca, Spain so we had to find a chemist in a rush!I had to wear sunglasses on a rainy day!(can't be exposed to sunlight.)everyone stared at me too!LMAO

    I would go to a doctor though but i think it is a eye infection.

    Charlotte x

  21. yes, it is serious . i wouldnt suggest taking it lightly . if it is infeted that could be very bad unless you get helf asap . please do yourself a favor and go to the doctor . from personal expirences i'd reccomend a warm wash clothe over it . it helps it ope up . good luck .

  22. Go see a doctor

  23. I am Nurse. Does it hurt? Do you sleep on that side?  You should see a doctor just in case there is neurological damage.

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