
Please help, i got a problem, urgent!?

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Taking action to improve the environment can also make your community a better place to live. Give three examples of this. - i need to know the answer to this, plz explain in detail and NO this is NOT my homework but is part of my assignment and i really need to know the anser, if i did i wudnt be asking so plz anser this in detail. if u dont want 2 anser, fine, but dont complain wen pple didnt giv u a reasonable anser to ur question. PLEASE anser in detail, not copied or pasted from anywhere.




  1. 1. Picking up litter/community litter pick ups: makes your community nicer because it feels cleaner and more healthy and also helps the environment because the litter doesn't get washed into drains, rivers and oceans where it becomes hazardous to aquatic life and local animals (eg. turtles mistake plastic bags for jelly fish, try to eat them then choke and die, or plastic rings from drink bottles get stuck around the necks of birds).

    2. Starting a community vegetable garden. Improves your community because people get together, share knowledge, make friends, improves community spirit. Helps the environment because growing locally means vegetables don't have to be shipped around in polluting vehicles, grown and harvested using tractors and chemicals, and packed in packaging that becomes waste.

    3. Riding a bike or walking instead of taking the car: helps the community because it becomes safer and cleaner and less noisy. People don't have to breath in air pollution. Helps the environment because less water pollution from run off from roads, oil spills from car pollution, helps reduce CO2 emissions so less global warming/climate change impact and less air pollution.

  2. cool i love to help the earth

  3. Plant some trees, pickup some trash, and finally help the needy (it's an indirect improvement to the environment).  PEACE!

  4. Are you serious? :|

  5. There are simple everyday actions that can be taken to help improve the environment.  On a personal scale there are improvements to ones living space that can help the habitat as a whole.  

    Inside the home, upgrade the R rating of roof and wall insulation.  You will use the AC less in the summer and heat less in the winter, which will in turn offset the carbon footprint you emit.  You can use less water in the shower and turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.  Install a low flush toilet or if you can't afford that then but a brink in the tank of your older toilet.  This will help save water.  If you live in a city think about getting the landlord to install a green roof.  

    You can grow a garden and eat your own vegetables or buy from the local farm stands on the roadside.  Try to buy local whenever you can.  

    Recycle everything you can, even sytrofoam is taken at certain centers now.  Make sure your glass, plastic and metal are clean this makes it easier for the centers.  Don't forget the junk mail you get can also be recycled.

    Pick up the trash you see.  Earth day isn't the only day to clean the road side.  

    Car pool or walk whenever possible.  

    It would take much more time and space to address such a question on a global level.

    If you want more info see the sources below.

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