
Please help, i live in a house surrounded by fields, so i guess im going to get the odd mole,?

by  |  earlier

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But they are driving me nuts.How do i get rid of them once and for all.Please dont say ask Jasper Carrot its not funny




  1. I agree with MoMo; she basically explained it all :)

  2. you can you either a barrel trap or a scissor trap personally i prefer the scissor one best go to were the hills if there near a fence good its the tunnel your trying to find use a pointed metal rod and poke it in the ground keep doing this till prod and there's no resistance bingo you've found the run cut a little hole out so you can fit the trap in then when the taps set use the turf you dug up to cover the hole but make sure that no light will get in they have a fantastic sense of smell so if you get a new one bury it for a week and when you set it don't get your sent on it if you need More e-mail me

  3. People may not like this answer, but it works.  In some hardware stores, you can buy chemical poison sticks in a pack of 3-5.  Check in the pest control aisle.  You light a stick, it gives off poison gas.  Light it and stick it in the mole hole, then cover the hole.  Look around to see where the gas/smoke might be coming out of other holes.  Cover those holes, too.  Repeat elsewhere in your yard to wipe out all the mole tunnel complexes.

  4. There is a trap you can get to catch it - then you can release it far far away.  Usually if you have loads of mole holes you will find it is only one mole doing this.  Have a look on the internet for a mole trap - I watched a tv programme on this and the ones that catch the mole for re release were the best the others didnt work.

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