
Please help, my friend lost her grandfather last night?

by  |  earlier

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i want to call her to condole in her loss but i don't know what i shall say in such occasion, i am not english native speaker i would like someone to tell me few words to say that i can express my sympathy, and she is christian by the way....thank you all




  1. you can say..

    i hope he rests in peace.. or hes in a better place now or he loved ou verryy much.. he will allways be alive in our hearts

  2. Wow, tough call.  If you feel comfortable calling her, just say that you are sorry for the news and her and her family's loss.  Also express that if she needs anyone to talk to, give her a ride here or there, pick up a cheeseburger at midnight, whatever.....that you will be there for her.  Try not to encourage alcohol consumption as emotions of grief are often amplified with the booze.

    Good luck.  Be a good friend.

  3. You can say "I'm so sorry for your loss, i'm sure he went to heaven." Well, not exactly like that, personalize it! best of luck to your friend

  4. Sorry duibuqi

  5. i am sorry 4 your loss...i know u r going thru a hard tym but i wil alwayz b there for u!! let me no if there is anything i can do 4 u  !! take care of ur self.just pray and every thing wil b have a long way to go..hope evry thing wil b fyn

  6. You can say "i know you are going through a difficult time right now, and I would like you to know if you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, i'm here"

  7. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.  

    Please accept my condolences.

    If it's a longer phone call and she feels like talking you can try asking about him, what he was like, what good memories does she have of him, etc, etc.

  8. I'm sorry for your loss.  

    Short and simple, most of the time they just need you there and a hug helps too.  Most people just need someone to listen.  

  9. Call and say

    "I heard about your grandfather's passing and I just wanted to wish you and your family my condolences. I'm so sorry. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you at this time. If you need a friend, just call me".

    You're a good friend for calling her. In a couple of days call her again and ask if she wants a change of scenery and take her out somewhere peaceful amd stress-free like the beach, the woods or for a cup of tea at your home.

    Edit: Also, don't say "he's in a better place now".

  10. Sorry to hear this news.

    Please accept My heartfelt condolences.

    Take care!

  11. tell her god takes ppl away evernow and then. it helps make ppl stronger and that things will get better. tell her he is resting in peace. bring flowers to his grave with her. it he lives in a different country take ballons attach it to a card and go outside with her and through the balloon in the air.

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