
Please help,What should i do ,it this normal?

by  |  earlier

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i have not been able to control my anger,i find myself breaking glasses,plates everything en i cant hold myself en with that's bang noise i feel relieved.

My whole body shakes sometime take a soap en cut in small peaces with a knife or tearing things.

One time my husband cheated on me so he took me to dinner confessed en really apologised ,when back to the house we argued about it en i just smashed an heavy ashtray on his forehead about to remove his eye,, took him to hospital en he had stitches en later he forgave me saying i deserved to do that coz he wronged him.

We are ok now en happy together .

So my problem is ,what can i do to change ,how can i avoid the shaking en feeling to smash things or hiting somebody,.

iam a very happy person when not angry by the way en i really avoid to get mad.

Help any ideas.




  1. channel your energy sexually... dont worry about him cheating on you, view it as a fun pass to go get laid with someone else, new and exciting... get the heck banged out of u regularly, you will be fine...  

  2. I would find some professional help.

    Anger management it`s called, i believe.

    Since you already indicate you want help, you have made the most important first step.

    Good luck.

  3. you seemt to have something irritating you. did you ever really get over him cheating on you? you should stop and think everytime you get so angery that you explode.(or after you calm down)  why did i do that. remember who it is with and what is going on . i use to have that problem. i was depresssed. very very depressed.  take control of the situation. after you calm down apologize to the person you explode on and tell the you where wrong. you have to take a step to correct the issue. then once you fined what or who is stressing you out.  get rid of it or him. lifr is to short to waste it being angery.

  4. You're the only one that can do anything about controlling your anger...or any other emotion.

    You have to want to choose to be different.

    You're ultimately and solely responsible for your choices, actions and the consequences

    Ah...denial!  If you're not responsible for your actions, who is? Everyone else?  No one MAKES you get angry, how you choose to react to anything is your choice....whether you do it consciously or not.

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