Ive been doing homeschool since 8th grade , tried going back to public school had a really tramatic experience (got punched in the face and beat up by some girl on meth) it makes it really hard for me to get back into anything , over my life ive had some really just odd things happen to me and I never have the best of luck . I really like the homeschool experience Its a little more relaxing for me to be in my comfy couch or comfy chair reading the books and doing the work . rather than being so tense at school.
i know this is alot to read but please keep reading
my moms trying to stick me into public school , and I feel like and pretty much know at this point I cant handle it . Noones listening to me . On top of that I clean the house and take care of my brother everyday . I have alot to handle and I would still have to handle it all with the school . Im not yet an adult I dont need ALL of this responsibility . Its coming to me in a few years . what do i do ?