
Please help , im desperate.?

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Ive been doing homeschool since 8th grade , tried going back to public school had a really tramatic experience (got punched in the face and beat up by some girl on meth) it makes it really hard for me to get back into anything , over my life ive had some really just odd things happen to me and I never have the best of luck . I really like the homeschool experience Its a little more relaxing for me to be in my comfy couch or comfy chair reading the books and doing the work . rather than being so tense at school.

i know this is alot to read but please keep reading

my moms trying to stick me into public school , and I feel like and pretty much know at this point I cant handle it . Noones listening to me . On top of that I clean the house and take care of my brother everyday . I have alot to handle and I would still have to handle it all with the school . Im not yet an adult I dont need ALL of this responsibility . Its coming to me in a few years . what do i do ?




  1. Try to go back with a positive attitude. I went to a private  (small) Christian school and home schooled for a while. And then had to go to public school. I tried it for a week and begged my dad to let me go back to the christian school, he did. The following year I tried again and stuck it out. It was a very hard 3 or 4 months, but then I made a few friends and it got better. There were a few girls who I singled me out and were mean, but never got physical. I just completely ignored  them no matter how scared I was. And you know what by the next year, those girls had dropped out and I never had a problem again. My sister graduated from the christian school and had a very hard time adjusting after ward. It will be very hard but at some point you will have to learn to deal with socializing, even with mean people. I am glad I stuck it out. And honestly the next year it was a little easier, and the following year was no problem at all.

    Have confidence in yourself and others will not see you so much as a target. It will work out.

    The cleaning house part we all have to do as kids/teenagers at least I did. And watching a younger sibling is part of it as well for those who have them. He should be able to help with the house work. Sit down and talk to your mom about your fears, but at least this time you will be more prepared for school in the real world.

    I personally would NOT let my child home school. Especially not on their own. It is a way to hide from life, and you are so young you should be embracing life not hiding from it. I wish you the best of luck.

  2. You might offer to home-school yourself, if you think you have the discipline. You'd use the same curriculum your mom has been using, but you'd be both the teacher and student.

    It can be done - millions of people teach themselves once they get out of school, so there's no reason you can't do it while you're still in school.

    Good luck!

  3. do meth and punch a girl in the face when you get there... then it will help with your past truamatization

  4. Have you asked your mom why she wants you to go back to public school?  Homeschooling can get expensive, so if that is the only reason you could check into public school online--I know that is available in many states (I don't know if every state offers this).  If that is an option for you, you would still be a "public school student" but you would be given the books to use and could do your work from your computer at home with a certified teacher doing the planning/grading, etc that perhaps your mom isn't feeling equipped to do right now.  You might check into it.  Good luck.

  5. Just go back to public school. In homeschool you make your own deadlines and stuff, you need to learn how to follow somebody elses rules. Don't be afraid to go to school just because of one stupid person. If somebody punches you in the face you need to learn to fight back. If you don't fight back people are going to walk all over you for the rest of your life. Come on, you need to grow up and stop treating public school like it is a concentration camp or something.

  6. You should definatley consider going back to school, like many other people said you need to learn socializing skills and life skills and **** otherwise its gonna be very difficult when you reach adulthood and get a job or what ever, dont worry, it might be **** 4 a couple of weeks but once you start makeing friends you will be fine, i take it you wont be going back to the same school as meth girl? so the chances are you will be fine, but if **** does kick off youve gotta learn to stand your ground, but trust once you make friends you will be fine, good luck

  7. Just tell her what you are telling us,if you go into school it will be nothing but trouble.Your grades will probably go down from all of the stress that will be added.

  8. im sorry about your experiences. if you have to go back to public school then i suggest trying to make freinds as fast as you can. if you get in with a good crowd of friends who like you for you then even if you do happen to cross paths with meth girl again then your friends will always be ther to listen and to support you. if you had friends before but they just didn't support you then maybe they're not the right friends for you. if you go back and that doesnt work then maybe home schooling your self would not be such a bad idea

  9. You need to accept the fact that you're going to school and negotiate with your mother about which school is best for you.  Research the different schools in your area and check them out in the next few weeks before school starts, and see if you can get into the one you like the best.  Remind your mom about the behavior at the other school and insist that you have say in choosing the school.  Let's hope that there are multiple schools to choose from.

    Part of growing up is socializing with kids your own age.  It sounds as if you are either alone, with adults, or taking care of your brother.  Your mom may also feel that she is incapable of providing you a proper education from home at your age.  There are some things that regular school just does better than homeschooling.  

    The junior high / high school experience is a painful time for many people, and you're not alone.  Having a friend or two to bear it with is the best tonic.  Thanks for having the courage to write about this.

  10. I don't think you are listening to her side of the story either.

    Unfortunately at some point in time, you will have to come out of your shell, and enter the real world.  You don't get to graduate college in home school.  There really aren't many jobs you can do while sitting in your big comfy couch.  

    No, you aren't an adult yet, you are a kid that needs to experience the things other children are experiencing.

    Listen to your mom's side of the story, and then make the best of it in public school!

  11. okay...i would like to your parents: "i had a really hard experience..and i know that you want me to get out and be like everyone else...but im confortable doing this like i have for a while now...and i take care of the house and [your brothers name] this is what i wanna do, the one going back to school, not you.and just explain to them that you cant handle it.

    Best of luck!


  12. sit your mom down and make her promise to listen to you

  13. Do you plan to also work from home as an adult?  You have to get out there sometime.  Frankly your parents have done you a grave disservice in homeschooling.  That doesn't teach you any life skills for fitting in with society.  Sorry - no fault of yours but parents don't get that they create nothing but 'square pegs' with home schooling.  True life is an experience - good and bad.  Sorry about what happened to you but you are bright and hopefully learned something from it.  Go back to public school, join clubs, find your niche.  It will all work out.  No one ever said life would be easy.  If it were then we wouldn't appreciate the good moments.

  14. I understand, but I also think that going to school is a good thing, You should get out there and experience it.

    You should be around kids your age. Be strong, and work on your school work. I wouldn't even talk to the ''bad'' kids.

    And if they to come up to you, you really need to stand up for yourself. Honestly, they will respect you more.

    Yea you will be scared but hay, maybe you can get some hits in. The kids would talk about you more if you didn't even try..and you will feel better.

    I say get up, go to school, and who cares about some of the loser there.

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