
Please help!!!!!!! 10 points!! 10 points!! 10 POINTS!!!!

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i was looking on the internet about frozen cokes then i saw this picture:

it has to be home made since its in those cups.. HOW CAN I MAKE THAT FROZEN COKE!!??? PLEASE 10 POINTS!!!!! please help me!!




  1. i dont know for sure mate, but my suggestion would be to empty a can of coke into a tuberware container larger than the can, put a lid on and stick it in the freezer till it was almost, but not quite frozen - still in a kind of slush like state. That sounds really obvious - probably not what you are looking for at all.  

  2. I remember a long time ago I did this.  I stuck a coke in the freezer but didn't let it get frozen all the way and when I opened it, it was all slushy.  I'm sorry I can't remember how long it took.  Experiment and try different times.  I would say start with an hour or two and go from there.  If it still looks like it is not starting to freeze on the outside of the bottle put it back in.  Just remember, don't let it freeze solid  

  3. Woah.. Yummy.. I wonder how they made it. I'm gonna keep searching! And I'll email you if I get it. There is an idea, I see people saying on yahoo answers. They say "get a coke can, then freeze it in the freezer. after it's frozen, use a kitchen knife and cut the can in half. take the inside out."


  4. I used to pour Pepsi or Coke in a plastic glass about 3/4 full and place in the freezer for a few hours.  My brother, sister, and I all liked this treat.

  5. 2 litre plastic bottle in the freezer.  Check after 90 minutes and then every 15-20 minutes until it has reached the required level.  Careful when u open it as it my fizz out or the top cold spurt out.

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