
Please help 10 points!!!!?

by Guest60833  |  earlier

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Ok I need help im the leader for my schools drama club we are comeing up with a play to prefourm at the end of the school year(may)...We already no the plot its going to be about a teen girl 13... she has the best life best friends,best boyfriend basiclly the most popular girl in school...then one day she wakes up as a "geeky girl"That is always getting picked on....and is truly seeing how she it feels to not be the most popular.....but we still need a script...can anyone help with a good script..with the details i just gave you.....Thank you sooo much!!By the way we are all 13 and 14 years old




  1. Oh that's hillarious. You need to do a story board of the scenes and plots with some main ideas and then improv it- that's funnier than making a script. Just have the teacher write, or another student copy the jokes you make. Give her big glasses and those halloween buck teeth, make her talk with a lisp... I spent years in drama classes if you need any help email me. But improving is the best way. It comes natural that way then make the script.

  2. Go rent "cant buy me love" its all you need.

  3. Be more original.  Or try the bully thing.  I have a fun play about a sleepover party.

  4. Make one up. Copy an idea from a movie.

  5. First you need to fix up your spelling and grammar.

    If you're illiterate you'll never get anywhere in this world.

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