
Please help... 10 pts!?

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I have a difficult time paying attention in class but still get straight "A"s, I would really like medicine because i find I am really not understanding what I am doing. My mom said the doctors would probably not give me medicine for ADHD even thought i have the symptoms because i do so well in school (If its not broken dont fix it) type of thinking. What are your experiences, do you think they would treat me for ADHD if I had all the symptoms but still did very well in school




  1. Doctors will give meds to anybody these days, if you really want them you can probably get prescriptions easily, but there are some serious personality effects from these meds. You may want to consider making improvements to your sleep habits or your diet(proper breakfast and whatnot) to see if that helps. If not then consult a doctor, but you should consider all the alternatives first.

  2. hahaha i know exactly what you mean

    i have a very short attention span

    if someone talks for more than 20 seconds i zone out

    or if a fuzzy floats by or just i cannot pay attention

    i think its kinda fun.

    But yeah  you could get some because i know kids that just say they can't pay attention and they get it. But just so you know, aderol, ritalin and those drugs are i think cocain based, so it would be like doing coke.

    it could be coke or meth...

    i forget

  3. I think you should consult someone that has the authority to give you some medicine.

    I'm somewhat the same thing except for, my thoughts go way too fast and the only way to think is for me to get away from sound xD

  4. Wht is ADHD? i might have it too. I do pretty well in tests, but sometimes i just can't concentrate or just wholely not interested in assignments. Also ginf it hard to catch on to what the teacher is saying. i might fail my hsc =(

  5. they will give you meds Add hd is way over diagnosed. they said i had it but i don't. Im just a little weired. I like to stand out and stick up for my self  and be all out going with in reason. So yes they more than likely give you some  

  6. ADHD is over diagnosed by doctors. I think that you have a 9 out of 10 chance of getting meds.  

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