
Please help 3 children part 2. Anyway she moved into the male friends apt which is 1 bedroom so the children?

by  |  earlier

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are sleeping on the floor in the livingroom 2 boys, 1 girl. The father wouldn't let them take anything but the clothing on their backs. Now the husband had her sent the divorce papers followed by papers where he wants full custady of the children.

He never wanted these kids, and never watched them. My daughter has always been a good mother. He's told so many people in he last year while they were fighting that she could have the children he didnt want them anyway. He just brings up the amount of child support he'd have to pay. That is the reason he wants them. My daughter has the restraining order now. Child protection told her that he may get the children back

if she doesnt move into a 2 bedroom apt. She has no money for this and either do I but were going to try. He's got mommy with her wallet backing him. I have no money i work day to day just like my daughter. He has a great lawyer. Legal aid told my daughter they couldnt help her. see part 3




  1. If it was a violent abusive relationship she should contact weave for help.  If there are documented events of violence towards her and the kids, even with a good lawyer he is out of luck for custody!  She needs to gather police documentation of his behavior.

  2. Ok, I only read this part but it sounds like a big problem.  If one person at Legal Aid told your daughter they couldn't help, don't accept that.  Keep asking and don't take no for an answer.  Maybe try putting an ad on Craigslist (and anywhere you can think of) to get help.  You can reach a lot of people that way.  Anyway... best of luck to you.

  3. Legally adults have to have a door up and children of opposite s*x have to be in different rooms after the age of 5 so if they are school age children then she has to have a room for the boys to be in one room and the girls in another.  She can have the girl with her in a bedroom as they are the same s*x as long as she doesn't have a boyfriend living with her or sleeping in her bed.  With a divorce it is best to try to provide the best situation you can.  Is there any way she can move in with you with the kids?  Do you have any more room?  He may try to prove that the childsupport he pays should be used to provide a better living situation for them.

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