Quick life story. Met my partner almost 7 years ago. Have 2 wonderful kids together (4 and 3) and have lived the past few years not being as happy as we could with each other.
Anyways, the last week, he has been acting strange, and when I asked him last night if he wanted to me with me he said he wasn't sure. he said he loved me, but not sure what ;love that was.
He said his been very anxious the last week, and he doesnt know what to do. Says he is not sure if its just too late to work us out. I am absolutely devastated. Even though there have been so many times that I think Id be better off without him, I still love him so much! I have suggested marriage councilling,m but he is not to fond of the idea (we are not married yet)......
We had a talk this morning, but it lead nowhere. Even s*x this morning wasnt the same. I am thinking, well why is he still here, if he didnt want us to work out, he would have moved out. But then I think,m is it because he will miss the kids.
I need suggestions please you all. I dont want to loose him, Id be lost without him