
Please help.Can't cope with ADHD child anymore off meds.10 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!?

by Guest66882  |  earlier

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Over a week ago I decided to see what would happen, as my son hates taking Dexamphetmine everyday,if we tried alternative,natural medications.

Dylan could then decide WHEN HE NEEDED to take his Dexamphetamine.Or I could when he could no longer control himself and see that he was high or out of control.So he has had a total of 5 tablets,instead of his prescribed 18 by now.

We try holding off as long as we can, but I can no longer cope with his behaviour.He has no or chooses not to use it,control over his talking loudness or body.

I taped him yesterday just so he could see just what he acts and looks like from everyone else's perspective.

He was horrified.

Heres a link to them, both off and on medication.

I still want to continue trying without medication.But I don't know how much longer I can cope?

Does anyone online ADHD support/chat rooms?

Is there anyone else who's endured taking their child off meds willing to chat?




  1. My heart goes out to you.  I have a son who has/had ADD, and we struggled for a long time until diagnosis was made and treatment started.

    One of the things you HAVE to do, starting RIGHT NOW is let him know in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that his condition may explain his behaviour, but does not excuse it.  HE is responsible for his actions, and WILL be held accountable.

    The next thing you have to do is work with your doctor to get him on a medication schedule that everyone can live with.  He is 12, and is not mature enough to run the show.  You need to be the parent, set guidelines, and stick with them.

    My son is now an adult, graduated from college with an honors degree, and has a good job.  The structure that we implemented did wonders for him, and he has learned to cope with the way he is and deal with it.

    If he goes without medication that he needs, there is a reasonable chance that he will turn to alcohol and/or drugs in an attempt to medicate himself.

    Take charge, set the rules, and stick to your guns!  It will be very hard at first, but once he knows that you mean business and aren't going to budge, things should settle down a bit.

    Good luck to you!

  2. Would you tell a diabetic to try going off insulin, just to see if they get better?  Some children (not all) need medication.  ADHD is a condition where certain neurotransmitters are slow.  Neurotransmitters are basically chemical messages from one part of thebrain to another part of the body.  For instance, a child with ADHD may wiggle and squirm because their legs move before getting the message to the brain, or a child may blurt out an answer to a question without the language center of the brain communicating properly.  Medications such as Adderall, Ritalin, Focalin, and their generic counterparts are stimulants that speed up the neurotransmittors.  

    Used to be, doctors would tell parents that they could discontine use of meds on the weekends, but new research shows that its better to keep levels stable so that there are less side affects when readjusting to school week doses.

    If your child doesn't like the side affects from current med (gen focalin?) then speak with the dr on readjusting the level of med, changing to a different amphetamine, or trying a drug such as Stratterra.  The dr might also try a mood stabilizer like depakote, seroquel, or risperdal if your child has racing thoughts as a debillitating side effect.

  3. How about this..??  who is the parent here? and who is in charge of the situation.. I commend you for trying to do without the meds, especailly because adhd is soooooooooooo over diagnosed.. so many people just dont wanna take the time.. h**l, I read this sheet once, a questionairre on 'how do see if your child has adhd" my kids fit that.. example.. no my kids could not sit down and watch an entire movie without getting up. .. no duh.. they would start watching a movie, take a break, go outside and run and play, come back in for a few, then do it again.. Does that make them adhd? no.. it makes them a kid.. All kids have behavorial problems.. it is all about growing up.   I do believe there are true cases of this.. but I think there are way too many kids medicated so that people don't have to deal with them, make their life a little easier.. I felt like I was pulling my hair out every day raising my kids.. if it wasn't this, it was that.. :) .. But I am proud that I didn't drug them.. I just dealt with it.. sorry.. I am sure you didn't want this answer.. and I am sure it will get a lot of thumbs down.. cause this is the new century.. but I stand firm on my beliefs...

  4. Just a suggestion, ask your doctor about trying a med called strattera. It is a non stimulant med approved for child ADHD. You might have allready tried this but if not I have seen some grat results from it. Good luck!!

  5. Wow, I watched your video, and it looks just like our 12 year old son, who suffers from autism...and he displays very similar behaviour. From your accent, it looks like you are in Australia (we are in Melbourne) - and I'd love to get in touch, to compare notes, if you'd be interested. I don't know what the difference between ADHD & autism is, but the behaviour seems to be very similar to me. Our son is on medication, but it doesn't have much of an effect. And we are at the end of our tether with him - one minute, everything will be fine, the next he will just erupt, for seemingly no reason. And trying to get him off the computer is one of the greatest challenges, but I'll tell you more when you get in touch. I don't know if I'm allowed to leave my email address here, but I'll try and modify my account so you can get in touch with me. Otherwise, I'll try through yours. But it would be wonderful to have someone who understands what this is like to talk to. Cheers.


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