My sister is in a really rough part of her life right now. Her relationship life is crazy. There are three guys, Tim, Evan, and Connor. Connor is a guy who wants to know everything about her and he wont leave her alone. Tim loves her and wants to make plans in the future between the both of them. And Evan is her boyfriend who is really mad at her right now and wont talk to her because apparently, Connor said something to my sister like "I know I can trust you. You are something stable in my life." Evan took that as a threat to there relationship. Now she is really really depressed. She has been depressed for a while and has had serious thoughts of suicide, (I know all of this because she has shared it with me.) She is outside right now crying and she keeps saying, "I want to F*** end my life."
I'm Im also really really scared for her religiousous ways. We are a christian family and I have always been a christian, and right now I am praying for her. But She is very far from christ and is confused, depressed, thinking of suicide, ect. She needs serious help. Please give me advice.