
Please help Fouette turns?

by Guest65336  |  earlier

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My fouettes are less then desirable I have problems with out pointe shoes and can't even do one turn on pointe no one has ever taught me these turns I watch other people do them and then I tried them they are harder then they look but my main problem is the leg that goes to the side it really looks sloppy I am 14 and my teatcher said I am to yong to learn them when I was 12 and then forgot I even asked him I am at a new stuido and my teatcher doesn't have enough time so I am thinking about switching studios agian because I'll be darned if I don't learn these turns but any suggestions you have about turns or studios or anything even closely related to any of this is welome thank you for reading this=^..^=




  1. I had the same problem. New studio, teacher doesnt have time to teach you how to do stuff you want to learn. Yeah i understand.

    Im 14 and ive been danceing since i was 4.

    Ok heres some tips of what might help.

    U said u were 5'9 well im 5'2. So it may not help.

    Ive been taking my body and pulling it up so i dont sink into my butt or fall over forward.  If u go up into susu, by the way im not a good speller, try to hold yourself up. Then come down, Now spring up to pasa. Then come down. And now try to turn. but hold your body up.

    Heres the deffination of Fouette if it helps- whipped -  applied to a whipping movement. The movement may be a short whipped movement of the raised foot as it passes rapidly in front of or behind the supporting foot or the sharp whipping around of the body from one direction to another.

    Hope i helped.


    P.s. about your shoe try what i said with your body by lifting yourself out of your shoe.

  2. Hi,

    Practise makes perfect. As annoying as it sounds. You may feel like you're going nowhere, but trust me, it's better then just sitting around being sad because you can't do it. There's a video on youtube on how to do fouette turns, here's the link:

    (i know it moves fast, but just try the parts she shows at the barre a lot. then when you are comfortable try the turns. just keep trying!)

    Have a nice day =)

  3. I'm 15 and I've been taking dance since I was 6. I've been on pointe for about three years. This year I learned how to do fouette.

    first work on pirouettes en pointe. if you need to get stronger on your toes go to a ballet bar and do piques. (you could use the back of a chair as a bar) work on chanees on pointe and then try fouettes. I learned quickly and wowed my whole class when after trying a few times I was able to do it steadily. All I can say is practice and stretch.


  4. Well if you're having a hard time with the motion of the foutee you could start with a pump turn. so basically you're doing everything the same as a foutee except youre just keeping your leg straight out. It helps to make you really work through your legs and feet. Also think about reasching your arms out like your swimming when you are doing the spin. like recah out then open your arms, and think about doing that with your leg too. Also if you're looking for a studio, Dance Adventure is a great one! Well it depends on where you live. Dance Adventure is in Kitchener, it has many youthful teachers and an amazing atmosphere.

  5. Well, know the basic movement of a fouette turn. Coordination is so important. One type of fouette is a type where:

    1. your leg starts out in front of you while your supporting leg is in plie (say your left leg is in plie), your right arm is en avant, and your left arm is in 2nd.

    2. then simultaneously bring your left arm to en avant while your right leg opens to 2nd

    3. as you begin turning bring your right leg to passe.

    4. then as you complete one full turn, bring your body to the beginning position.

    Tips: don't have your fouette leg too high. Wherever your knee is when you're in passe, extend your leg and thats where your leg should be for fouette turns. Keep your arms coordinated with your legs. SPOT your head. keep the fouette leg either straight or in passe, no in between positions.

    It might help to go through the motions a couple times before you actually try. Then just try one turn, then try a series.

    Good Luck, and practice! :)

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