
Please help... Going to the Gyno tomorrow and need some help?

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A litte background before the question:

My husband and I have been TTC since March with no luck. The problem is, my periods are regular at 2-3 months. However, since TTC, I haven't had a period at all... Since March 18 in fact. I do honestly believe that it is my hormones messed up since I have been wanting a baby so badly, and trying so hard. I know people say, ease your mind, forget about it, it will happen as soon as you stop trying and thinking about it.. It is just impossible for me to do that. Even if if i try to stop thinking about it, it is always there in the back of my mind. I have never been this late before (going on 5 months). Like I said, it is usually 2-3. I know I am not pregnant... I have taken HPT's and blood test from the doctor.

So my question is... My Gyno appt is tomorrow at 3:00. I usually go to another Gyno, but I don't like them at all and am switching. My appt is for my yearly pap. If I mention clomid/provera am i likely to get it tomorrow?




  1. Clomid, no.  Provera, possibly.  Like another poster mentioned, you need to be tested for things before you take Clomid.

    Your periods have come every 2-3 months for always?  I have news for you, that is NOT regular.  A nutritional program won't help you, but regulating your hormones will.  Believe me, my last cycle was 110 days long.  I am trying my HARDEST to get this under control.

    You should try to go the natrual route before subjecting yourself to fertility treatments.  Try

    Ask the doctor tomorrow if you can have some tests done, and provera.  Go from there.  

    Good luck!  Babydust!

  2. I think a good dr. will try to find the source to your problems before assisting you with conception. Perhaps you should consider a nutritional program.

  3. My guess is that the doctor will want to do some tests before they give you any medication.  For example, my understanding is thatclomid ideally helps stilulate folice growth.  If you happen to have an cyst on your ovary already, it could do a lot of damage if they stimulated them even more.  

    After a lot of tests first, my doctor prescribed a round of clomid.  It ended up that I had about 5 mature folicles and and the nurse told me, my ovaries were "huge" at the end of the cycle.  So they actually had me take a month of birth control to help get them back to normal before we did anything else.

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