
Please help. Has anyone had a baby with eczema on their face?

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Hi. My baby is 5 months old and shes had eczema on her face ever since she was 4 weeks old. i've tried just about every cream on the market and nothing seems to work. will she live every day of her life like this? The doctors dont help much eiether. they say its not my breastmilk or formula thats causing it, and that really all i can do is keep her as comfortable and lotioned as possible. I really need any suggestions.




  1. yes!! i've been there. one of my little guys had it horribly on his chin and eyelids. it's not painfull for them, just itchy. i used to make a paste of baking soda and water and put it on his excema which really seemed to  make him more comfortable. i found a healthy amount of sunshine usd to dry it up quite a bit as well.

    only other thing you can try is cortizone cream. he's still a little young for it so the doc usually won't recommend it unless it is severe (i.e cracking and bleeding).

    it comes and goes.......they seem to get really bad flare ups and then nothing for a couple of months. you can get her tested for allergies if you want.....but it's pretty common for alot kids.

    best wishes for your little one.

  2. My daughter had eczema as a baby on her face and still suffers mildly from it on other parts now that she is older.  I have found that Sarna lotion (avail at Walgreens and CVS I beleive) works the best out of all the things we have tried.  She says (she is now 10) that it gives her instant releif and indeed, if u watch, as soon as she rubs it in the redness from the itchign starts to disappear and the look of relief on her face is poetic.

  3. My 2 year old daughter has had eczema ever since she was a month old.  I have it as well and so does my oldest daughter.  For my youngest the Dr. prescribed several different ointments for her but none really seemed to help until finally we got "Triamcinolone acetonide ointment"  this really helps her a lot but the Dr. has to write a script for you.  We also got Aquaphor by Eucerin.  You can get that over the counter it's a healing lotion for dry, cracked, or irritated skin.  This works well too.  Another thing is to be sure you're limiting their baths.  The soap dries the skin out and makes it more irritated.  My daughter gets 2 baths a week, one on Saturday for church on Sunday and Wednesday for the midweek.  Now if she gets really dirty she'll get more but we really try and stick to that schedule.  I will say the eczema on her face cleared up after about 15 months.  She hasn't had it on her face since.  But she has it terribly on her feet and hands.  Do remember don't put baby lotion like Johnsons and Johnsons on them.  It burns severly and dries it out more which causes it to crack and bleed.  I know this from first hand.  Lotion burns me badly.  You want to use more of an ointment lotion like the one I told you about.  I hope this helps.  You're more than welcome to contact me if you have any more questions.  I have been around the block a few times with this.

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