
Please help!!!! History question!!!! 10 points for best answer!?

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After world war 11, what form of goverment was established in japan?




  1. exactly what the first person said.  we're still hung up on ww3 let alone ww11!

  2. It is not communist. The US occupied it and left after the war once government accepted by its people was established. It still remains traditional in that it still has an Emperor. The emperor is now Akihito. Hirohito died in the late 80s.  An emperor can appoint Prime Ministers (PM) under the two houses in Japan. Japan also has a constitution of its own which gives "ruling" power to the PM and the Cabinet.  I think you could call it a "constitutional monarchy". The monarch is not considered the main executive power. The PM and Cabinet can be likened to our "executive power".

  3. It was a most unusual one. The United States, through the stewardship of General MacArthur,  oversaw the writing of a constitution. The Emperor renounced his divinity and the form of government became a democratic constitutional monarchy very much as presently exists in the British Commonwealth. The U.S. maintains a military presence there to this day.

  4. Japan has an Emperor, therefore it is an Empire.

  5. communism

  6. run it on google and you'll get the answer. good luck

  7. Wow. And I thought everyone was antsy over #3. Now, look where we are: #11!

  8. if you meant wwII, then its communism

  9. There is no world war 11.

  10. Minpo.I swear i looked it up online

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