
Please help! How do I tell my friend this without hurting her feelings?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so my friend, who is a year younger than me, switched schools to my school this year. Where she used to go, they didn't get homework, and now she keeps on calling me for help, expecting me to help her (for her help as in her asking me the question and wanting me to answer.)

Just because I was in her grade doesn't mean I remember every single thing I learned.

It's getting a bit on my nerves, I mean, she calls me wanting help with EVERYTHING!

I know that as a friend I should help her the best I can and not get annoyed, but picture this:

you're doing your homework, or studying for a big test coming up. Ring Ring. It's her. ok. you help her. 20 min. later. Ring Ring. Again. Ring ring ring ring ring ring!

I have my own work to do!

How do I tell her that I'll help her but she can't call me for everthing niceley?




  1. Tell her you would love to be able to help but you have your own homework to work on.

    When she calls (if you decide it help) say you'll help but only for say 20 minutes (you pick how long) so she has to decide the most important, difficult questions and after that you have to go.

    If that's a bit mean maybe tell her you don't know! That you're very sorry but you can't remember that particular subject.

    Hopefully she gets the hint!! :)

  2. maybe just dont pick up for awhile! when she does call tell her u r busy and u will call her later so when u dont answer and she asks later u can say i told u i was busy u just want answers anyway why dont u study and stop buggin? thats what i would say.... good luck!

  3. When she calls you ask her if she can call you back later because your studying (simple). Or get your parent to answer and get them to say 'im sorry but I have told (name) that she needs to get on with her work'  

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