
Please help! How do you remove a chain link fence dog run?

by Guest45206  |  earlier

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This dog run was here when we bought the house 12 years ago. I have tried all this time to pull it out and it is so firmly in there. I have dug and dug and could never reach the end of the cement that the posts are set in. I kept thinking in time it would become easier just through normal wear and tear but it is still firmly set into the ground. What can I do?




  1. Two options.  One is to simply cut the posts off at ground level, using a power metal cutter.  A sawzall might work, but will take a long time.

    The other is to rent a Bobcat, and pray that's strong enough to pull them out.  At least it will be fun playing with the Bobcat.

    There simply is no easy way -- these things are put in to stay.

  2. The post are normally set 2 ft. deep and have concrete poured around them. If you dig deep enough next to the post, you can loosen it enough to pull it out.

    Or, you can advertise on Craig's List, Free Dog Run, you disassemblee and must take the post.  It will be gone in 24 hrs.

  3. you could have a small crane from a local crane company come in and pull them straight up and out, or you maybe cut it below ground which would require breaking up the concrete to get to the steel to cut it...good luck

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