
Please help... I'm depressed and confused...??

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I am 16 weeks pregnant.. I have another child who is two.. my husband works third shift and I am alone a lot of nights.. he also took a second job for the summer so he is gone alot.. I have 6 weeks left of college before I graduate and things are VERY busy right now for me.. I can't understand why I am severely depressed. It is really getting hard to stay awake and function during the day, and hard to go to sleep at night because I don't like being alone. I'm not sure that medication is the answer or that I can even take any being pregnant. I haven't told anyone really because I don't have a "reason" for being so depressed but I can't shake this so what do I do????




  1. go to the doctor and let him know that you haven't been feeling yourself lately at most it could just be a chemical imbalance in your body and i am sure that it is not much to worry about. So just go and i know that since you are having a baby that you are going to the doctor and getting regular checkups and stuff so go and just give it a shot.  

  2. i have three kids go to work during the day and go to school at night. my husband aslo works third shift and we dont get to see eachother much anymore. that alone is depressing. we got into arguements these past two days because i took his joking seriously. it is hard and on top of that you have hormones going. you should be fine when they pass.  

  3. You should really talk with your doctor.  See what s/he recommends.  It's completely understandable to be depressed with so much going on.  Just try to understand that part of it is your hormones and that those will level off in the next few weeks.  

  4. you have every reason to be depressed your alone at night and your hormones are crazy right now you should talk to someone you would prboally feel better. And i take a tylenol PM at ngiht my doc said there safe for a suggestion! good luck with everything

  5. There isnt always a REASON so to speak for being depressed. especially when your pregnant your emotions are going everywhere. First of all you need ot understand its perfectly ok for you to feel like this.and maybe you should have a sit down and talk to oyur husband about how your feeling.having a good cry to get things off your chest sometimes helps. if not you may need to go talk to family or friends..and maybe even a doctor or councellor if its really bad. you need to stay postive and even though you may find it hard to remember. your growing a beatiful gift inside you a life!! its amazing.and one day soon you WILL realise and stay focused.

    just remember that its ok..and that someone is there to talk to and will help you out.

    maybe have a friend sleep over?? even a few nights just to keep your mind occupied.  

  6. I'd say school, pregnancy, a toddler, and a busy husband constitute plenty of "reasons" for feeling overloaded. I'd try to stay away from the medication route if possible and focus more on catching up on sleep, and making sure you're eating healthily (I found that's played a huge part in my emotional highs & lows). Concentrate on getting school done, only 6 more weeks.. it'll go fast.

    I'd try talking more about it to someone else you're close to though. Especially while pregnant, you have every excuse to be emotional, but with your other responsibilities, you need to find ways to get that sleep so you can function well for your family, and keep growin' that healthy baby. Good luck...  

  7. You don't need to have a 'reason' to be depressed!  Sometimes it just happens!  I encourage you to see a psychologist and talk about your options.  You might be able to take some anti-depressant medications during a later term during your pregnancy, but most aren't recommended early on.  

    Also, you have too much on your plate!  Right now you have a child, you're pregnant, and you are alone a lot!  You need to figure out a way to de-stress.  If you have to delay school, it's not the end of the world.  Your mental health should be your number one priority.

  8. i'm 35 weeks with my first and my husband is gone a lot to. he works five days a week and one job and then as a bouncer on weekends 'til 4am. and he is off during the weekend days doing activities (for his sanity) i can't take part in because of how pregnant i am. point being, i to am having a hard time and am depressed by it; i just want him to be around more. i also have been doing post grad work and working; not as busy as you with two kids, but i have an idea. i'm in tears regularly and not being able to sleep being this pregnant doesn't help. i just keep telling myself it will get easier.

  9. you have hormones raging around in your body that dictate how you feel, you have a toddler that dictates when and how often you can sleep and your husband is gone when you need to rest, this makes depression seem unbearable.  you can talk to your doctors they might be able to prescribe something that is safe for your unborn little one.  if you ever feel like hurting yourself or your children you need to talk to someone   right away.  there are hotlines in the front of your phone book.

  10. Depression during pregnancy is very common.  You should mention it to your Dr next time you see him/her and they may prescribe antidepressants or some form of therapy for you so that you can start feeling better.  You might also plan to have a day with your husband each week so that you don't feel so alone and away from him... Maybe Friday nights, or some time when you are both home -- have a friend or family member watch your child for a few hours and go out and have some fun and relax with each other... Sometimes that helps more than anything else.

  11. I was depressed a lot during pregnancy too.  It's not recommended to take any medication unless you REALLY have to during pregnancy.  One thing not to do is alianate yourself from the world by being alone.  You need to be around people and keep talking to people.  I found it helpful to talk to other friends that were pregnant and get on message boards.  I don't know if there are pregancy support groups out there, but it's worth looking into.  Hang in there and remember to take it just ONE DAY at a TIME so you don't get overwhelmed!

  12. Whew. You've got a lot going on right now. I hope you can keep your eye on your goal of graduating. It sounds like you and your husband are working hard to get ahead. Yay for you.

    Soon you will have a degree and then a new baby and perhaps a good career so you and your husband can build a nice life together. Try to keep that in your mind and soon things will be better.

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